chapter 16

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Nakul led Anya through the lush green paths of Indraprastha's palace gardens, their footsteps light on the grass as they ventured deeper into a more secluded area. The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers of every imaginable color, and in the distance, the sound of a small waterfall trickled softly. The vibrant colors of the flowers mixed with the gentle glow of the sun, making the entire place feel like a hidden paradise.

Anya's eyes sparkled as she took in the sight. "Whoa! This place is so pretty! It looks like something out of a storybook!" she exclaimed, twirling around in excitement.

Nakul smiled, watching her with amusement. He stepped closer, casually brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Glad you like it. I knew you'd appreciate the beauty here."

Anya, completely missing the flirtatious gesture, laughed, "I mean, who wouldn't? I bet even a horse would enjoy this view!"

Nakul chuckled softly, amused by her obliviousness. He nudged her playfully. "Well, speaking of horses..." He pointed toward a small stable nearby, where his favorite horse stood, its coat gleaming in the sunlight. "Meet Ashva, my loyal companion. He's been with me through thick and thin."

“He’s huge! Are you sure he’s friendly? He looks like he could kick me all the way to Hastinapur.”
Anya's eyes widened, staring at the majestic horse. "Are you sure he won't accidentally step on me? I don't want to be flattened like a roti!"

Nakul grinned, moving behind her. "Don't worry, Anya. He's gentle." He gently placed his hand on her shoulder, guiding her toward the horse. "Here, give it a try. Pat him."

Anya hesitated, her hand hovering over the horse's forehead. "Uh, Nakul... you sure he won't suddenly decide I look like lunch?" she asked, her tone half-joking but half-serious.

Nakul chuckled again, amused by her innocence. He moved even closer, his chest brushing lightly against her back as he wrapped his hand over hers, helping her pat the horse. "See? He likes you."

Anya, completely unfazed by Nakul's closeness, beamed with excitement. "Oh, hey! Look at that! He *does* like me! I knew my charm worked on everyone, even horses!" She glanced back at Nakul with a cheeky grin. "Are you jealous, Nakul?"

Nakul laughed softly, his hand still resting on hers. "A little," he teased. "But maybe I just need more attention too."

Anya, entirely oblivious to his flirtation, waved her free hand dramatically. "Oh, Nakul! Don't be like that. I'll make sure to give you both equal attention. You and Ashva can take turns!" She winked playfully.

Nakul couldn't help but smile fondly at her airheadedness. She was so innocent, completely missing the hints he was dropping, yet he found it incredibly endearing. He leaned in slightly, his lips brushing against her ear. "I missed you, Anya. Did you miss me?"

Anya blinked, completely missing the intimacy of the moment. "Missed you? Oh! Well, yeah, sure! I missed everyone! Draupadi, Kunti Ma, Bhim Bhaiya-"

Nakul interrupted with a chuckle. "I meant *me*, Anya. Did you miss *me*?"

Anya tilted her head, eyes widening in realization, but then waved her hand dismissively. "Ohhh! You're teasing me again, Nakul! You and your silly jokes! I totally knew that!" She laughed, brushing it off completely, as though Nakul wasn't flirting at all.

Nakul sighed inwardly, his attempts to break through her airheadedness foiled once again. He found her innocence adorable, but it also made him wonder if she'd ever catch on.


Suddenly, a servant approached Anya, interrupting the moment. "princess Anya, princess Subhadra has summoned you to the dinner hall."

Anya quickly snapped out of her usual rambling. "Oh! Right! I should go!" She waved at Nakul as she hurried off. "Bye, Nakul! Thanks for showing me the pretty horse!"

As she walked away, Nakul watched her retreating figure with a soft smile, his eyes filled with something deeper. Under his breath, he whispered, "My allure..."


**Nakul's Internal Thoughts**

As Nakul watched Anya disappear into the distance, his heart felt heavy and full at the same time. She was unlike anyone he had ever met-so carefree, funny, and completely unaware of the effect she had on him. Her laughter, her funny little quirks, the way she always found something to smile about-it all drew him in, deeper than he realized.

*She's like the sun, shining so brightly that you can't help but be drawn to her warmth.* He sighed softly, his thoughts tangled with emotions he hadn't fully grasped until now. *Why does she make everything seem lighter? And why do I feel so drawn to her?*

Nakul shook his head, a fond smile playing on his lips. *I guess I'm just a fool, falling for someone so free-spirited. But maybe... maybe she'll see me one day.*


**Subhadra's Corridor Encounter**

Subhadra was walking down a quiet corridor when she accidentally bumped into Arjun. Startled, she stumbled, but before she could fall, Arjun's hand shot out, steadying her.

"Careful," Arjun said, his tone soft. "You almost fell."

Subhadra's heart raced as she quickly apologized, her cheeks flushing a light pink. "I-I'm sorry, Arjun! I didn't see you there."

Arjun smiled down at her, his gaze warm but respectful. "No harm done," he reassured her.

Subhadra found herself flustered by his calm demeanor, her eyes briefly meeting his before she quickly looked away. Her pulse quickened as she muttered another apology and hurried away, her anklets jingling with each step.

Arjun watched her go, shaking his head with a small smile. He didn't need words to express his thoughts-sometimes, it was enough just to observe and appreciate.

Anya's ancient antics: a mahabharat taleWhere stories live. Discover now