chapter 17

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After her perplexing encounter with Nakul in the gardens, Anya strolled toward the dining hall, her mind buzzing with thoughts about his strange behavior. But as soon as she stepped into the hall, the warm smells of spiced curries and fresh roti pulled her back to reality. The chatter and laughter of Draupadi and Subhadra filled the room, and she spotted them seated, deep in conversation.

She smiled. *Ah, Draupadi and Subhadra—the future co-wives.* The thought made her pause for a moment, and she couldn’t help but feel a bit of sympathy for Draupadi. Even though Subhadra had a crush on Arjun, and it was clear he reciprocated those feelings, no woman liked sharing her husband, especially not with someone she would care for like a sister.

*If it were me? Oh, if my future husband brought another wife, I’d shave his head bald and send him to beg for forgiveness!* Anya snickered at the thought, her imagination running wild. *No mercy.*

She shook her head, dispelling the amusing image of a bald husband, and approached her two sisters with a playful grin. "What are you two talking about?" she asked, sitting down unceremoniously beside them.

Subhadra’s eyes sparkled mischievously as she looked at Anya. "Oh, nothing much, just wondering when *you’re* going to stop daydreaming and get serious about finding a husband."

Draupadi smiled, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Yes, Anya. You’re always running around like a child. Maybe it’s time you thought about marriage too?"

Anya gasped dramatically, clutching her chest. “Marriage? Me? Oh please, I can barely remember where I left my shoes in the morning, let alone deal with a husband! I mean, husbands are like horses, right? You gotta feed them, bathe them, and sometimes they just *stink*!”

Subhadra burst into laughter, holding her sides. "Horses?! Anya, you’re impossible!"

Draupadi giggled, shaking her head. "Honestly, Anya, if you keep comparing husbands to horses, you might just end up with one."

"Well, that’s fine with me!" Anya puffed her chest out, pointing a thumb at herself. "I’ll marry a horse! At least they’re loyal, and if he gets out of line, I’ll shave his mane off! Bald husbands are all the rage now, didn’t you know?"

Subhadra snorted, barely able to contain her laughter. "Bald husbands? That’s your solution?"

Anya nodded confidently. "Yup! If he misbehaves, zap! Off with the hair! He can shine like the moon for all I care."

Draupadi chuckled, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye. "Anya, you’re one of a kind."

As the laughter died down, Dushala entered, holding a sealed letter. She looked at the three women with a soft smile. "I just received a letter from my brother," she said as she sat down with them.

Anya’s eyes widened as she leaned in with a mischievous grin. “Oh, a letter from *that* brother? What’s the ‘rude fox’ up to now, huh? Plotting something dramatic as usual?”

Dushala rolled her eyes fondly, used to Anya’s antics by now. She unfolded the letter and began reading aloud. “My marriage has been arranged with King Jayadrath of Sindhu, and my brother has summoned me to Hastinapur for the preparations.”

Anya’s mouth dropped open. “Wait, marriage?! Already?! Oh no, Dushala, are you sure you’re ready for this? Marriage is like... signing up for a lifetime of questionable decisions!”

Dushala laughed, shaking her head. “Anya, it’s part of our duty. Besides, Jayadrath is a good man.”

Anya waved her hand dismissively. “Good man or not, I still say you should get a backup plan! Maybe a bald one. Trust me, bald men are low-maintenance!”

Draupadi and Subhadra burst into giggles, while Dushala just shook her head, amused. “Anya, you and your bald obsession. What would your ‘dream husband’ be like then?”

Anya sat up straight, her eyes gleaming as if she were about to make the most important speech of her life. “Oh, since you asked, let me tell you. While I like cute boys, my real type is… *rich*, *cold*, and *handsome*. You know, the bad-boy type. Dark and mysterious, maybe even a bit dangerous. He should be hot, and of course, have a soft spot for *me*. You know, like a tiger who only I can tame!”

Draupadi stared at her, eyes wide in disbelief. “Rich, cold, and dangerous? Anya, that sounds... terrifying.”

Subhadra blinked. “A tiger? Are you saying you want to marry a wild animal?”

Dushala laughed nervously. “I think I prefer someone who’s... less likely to, you know, eat me.”

Anya crossed her arms and nodded sagely. “You all just don’t get it. A bad boy with a heart of gold—that’s the dream! He’d be all tough on the outside but secretly would do anything for me. And he *has* to be handsome, obviously. I can’t spend my life staring at an ugly face!”

Subhadra shook her head in disbelief. “I’m speechless.”

Draupadi, still recovering from Anya’s wild description, said with a grin, “Well, I have five husbands, and each of them fills a different role. Strong, wise, kind, loyal... I guess you could say I’ve got all the bases covered.”

Anya gasped, clapping her hands together. “*Five*? You’re like the ultimate wife! I can’t even manage the thought of *one* man, let alone five! Draupadi, you are my inspiration. I shall follow in your footsteps—minus the whole 'sharing' thing, of course.”

Dushala chimed in, still blushing from the marriage talk. “I’ve always wanted someone strong but humble. A man who respects me and others. That’s my ideal.”

Subhadra nodded, smiling softly. “Me too. Someone with strength and honor, but also kind-hearted.”

Anya glanced between the three of them, wide-eyed. “Wow, you guys are *so* noble. And here I am talking about bad boys with ripped abs and mysterious gazes. Maybe I should reconsider... but then again, boring guys just don’t do it for me.”

Draupadi couldn’t help but laugh again, shaking her head at Anya’s antics. “Anya, you’re impossible.”

Anya threw her arms up dramatically. “Impossible? No, no, no! I’m just ahead of my time! A visionary!”

The group burst into laughter once again, the lighthearted mood filling the room as their conversation shifted back to more casual topics. But Anya, always the unpredictable one, continued to provide endless entertainment, her comments leaving everyone wondering just how her future would unfold.

Anya's ancient antics: a mahabharat taleWhere stories live. Discover now