The Letters

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The Letter

Monday 12:09PM
Today I am back at work, and it is lunchtime so I let Deliah know I'm leaving and that I will be back in an hour, I am heading over to the other nursery today I am taking Aut and Marjorie out for lunch today which Marjorie is excited to do, and I can only imagine how Autumn feels about it.

I enter the office and see Autumn. I give her a small wave, which she kicks me in response.

A- "Marjorie is covering for Charlotte in the baby room right now. She will be back soon I imagine. While We wait I am going to pop off to the bathroom."

R- "Alright Aut I will wait here."

I say sitting down at Marjorie's desk as I watch Autumn leave.

I am now sat alone in the office and as I never really in this office unless I need something from Autumn or Marjorie I naturally scan the room with my eyes, until I see a folded up paper on Autumns desk, I reach over and I grab it, I unfold it and see I is a letter addressed to my dad. I know I shouldn't but I look out of the office to make sure no one is out there, I see it is clear, I sit back down and read it.

"Dear father,

Sometimes I wish you actually loved us. I wish you didn't love your money more than us. It is because you myself and Reece don't understand how to feel or cope properly. We were constantly walking on eggshells around you as you never would hesitate to try and hit me or Reece when we did something you didn't like. Now we both are in therapy which is your fault we need it. It is because of you Reece has an eating disorder, it is because you only I know how to cope with myself and people with alcohol.

Reece was hospitalized a couple weeks ago because of you. All of this is because of you Father. Me and Reece needed and DESERVED, peace, and safety and a stable home. We needed you to let us just be kids, to teach us about life and help guide us through it. We needed you to teach us to be stable adults and not to throw money at everything. We needed for you to show us we are human and do not have to be perfect, to teach us we had value to teach us right from wrong, comfort us not hit us. We needed you to teach us to express our anger properly. We needed you to show us that we matter, father.

In a sense father you ruined me and Reece's lives. You ruined our relationship, the trust we had in each other. I Will ALWAYS HATE YOU for what you did to me, what you did to us. Even at 35 I am still struggling with learning the things you failed to teach me. Even at 38 Reece is struggling to understand he eats as much or as little as he wants he doesn't understand how to stop eating when he is full and he is now too scared to eat as he fears what will happen if he doesn't finish his food so he just doesn't eat.

The shame I feel when I call you my dad, but in another sense you haven't ruined our lives, myself and Reece, even Mia are the strongest people I know and have proven this again and again. If i ever get to become a mother Father you will never know my kids, and more so I won't EVER treat my kids how you did me and Reece and I will break the cycle in my future family.

You try to blame all of your actions on everyone else, but father when I look in the mirror, when I look at Reece, when I look at Mia. I see clearly and I see what you have done.


Your Daughter,

Autumn Fortune-Knight"

I sit here completely shocked and I feel tears forming in my eyes as I see another paper that I had dropped on the floor when I unfolded the letter. I pick it up and see another letter, this time it is addressed to our mom.

"Dear mom,

I know you will never read this as I do not know where you are and I haven't for many years, so I am writing this for myself.

Mom, you left when me and Reece were just kids, you left us alone with a monster and I hate you for that, well I don't hate you but I want to hate you. After all these years mom i am still hurt you choose Mia's dad over us. Despite being the one to give birth to me and Reece the one to teach us our first words you still left us you left us with our father who only cares about himself.

Because of you we spent our whole lives being abused physically and mentally. The only thing we have to thank you for giving us life, giving us the ability to breathe and have heart beats but other than that we have nothing mom. We have so many reasons to hate you.

I hate you because you left us with our father, I hate you for proving to me and Reece that we can live without you. I hate you for breaking up not just one family but two. I hate you for putting Myself, Reece, and Mia in so much pain. It is because of you I can't feel vulnerable in front of people, or why Reece had to get comfortable being able to say "I Love You" to his girlfriend all because you hurt us, you left us. I WILL ALWAYS HATE YOU MOM.

Except I never really will hate you, no matter how much I want too. I just want me and Reece to have our mom back

- Sincerely,

Your Daughter,

Autumn Fortune-Knight"

I sit here beside myself on how Autumn feels about our parents. I know she hated them but this feels like another level of hate, I put the letters back on her desk folded up. I bury my head in my hands and just then Autumn comes back into the office. She quickly notices I am upset and she notices the letters on her desk. She doesn't say anything she just comes over and hugs me seeking comfort from me,

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