Small Victories

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Saturday 5:01PM

It is the weekend, the first full week of the merger has passed and everyone has been everywhere but it is now the weekend and I have honestly just been home all day with Marjorie which has been nice.

It is dinner time and I cooked as normal, I made something simple for me and Marjorie tonight. I made us some grilled chicken, Steamed vegetables and a small portion of rice. I sigh to myself as I plate our dinner. I walk over to the table with the plates sitting one in front of Marjorie then I return to the kitchen and grab two wine glasses and the wine we have, and return to the table, I figure we can both use a drink after this insane week.

M- "Darling are you okay?"

Marjorie asks me as I return to the table with the wine and wine glasses, as I am not much of a drinker.

R- "I'm okay Gorgeous, just figured it is the weekend we had a stressful week, I know you for sure have been trying to get into your new routine so I figured we will drink a little and relax tonight."

She gives me a soft smile and I return the smile. I continue to set the table, putting forks out, putting wine in our glasses. I feel Marjorie's gaze on me as I am setting the table, I look up and smile at her again, which she gets a bit shy when I do so and looks away.

We sit down to have dinner and I mostly drink my wine, not so much eating as I am suppose to be.

M- "You know the wine isn't going anywhere right?"

I laugh at her comment and nod.

R- "I do I just know if I am eating any of this right now I am drinking first."

M- "If it helps you darling, but you do have to learn to eat while you are sober you know?"

R- "Yeah I know but today is not that day."

After a while I am feeling the effects of the wine. I drank enough so my dinner looks tolerable. I look down and take a bite of my chicken, I look up as I do and I see Marjorie giving me a smile and mouths "Proud of you" to me and returns to eating her dinner.

I take a deep breath and continue eating, slowly as I feel a small wave of that familiar wave of anxiety creep over me, my mind telling me over and over to not eat. I continue eating with each bite getting harder and harder to get down and keep down, I slowly finish my chicken and move onto the rice, Which I find myself not able to finish. The more I try to eat it the sicker it makes me.

I am so lost in trying to make myself get my dinner down I don't realize Marjorie was watching me again until she speaks up.

M- "My darling, you do not have to finish it. If you are full or feel too sick to do so. I promise you, Darling, you are safe and no one is gonna hurt you or judge you if you don't finish it."

I give her a small nod and smile, as I get up deciding I will try again later I still ate a little bit and that is what matters, I am trying, each step I take to get better is a small victory I am trying, I am determined to get better and recover from this mess of an eating disorder, It doesn't matter what others say what others think I am going to get better and my dad can do one if he thinks I am not sick enough.

I will take a small victory over none.

A/N: I am sorry this chapter is shorter then normal I have had this same migraine for the passed 11 days which has been pretty bad, I do think it is going to break tonight since the pain is let up so my chapters should be back on a normal daily, to every other day schedule 

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