One Day Or Day One

23 1 1

Sunday 12:02PM

It has been what feels like ages since I took the pills, and my vision is starting to fade in and out. I can't hear anything but the deafening sound of my ears ringing. I can't feel anything but my face and head, my body is completely limp, I can't move. I can only struggle to keep my eyes open.

I see Winter put his phone down and try to talk to me, which his pleads and begs go unanswered. Despite being much shorter and not having much strength he pulls me into a sitting position and gives me a grossed out look before shoving two fingers down my throat making me vomit on myself in hope I would puke up some of the pills. I vomit, making whatever I had eaten that morning and almost all of the pills come up most are almost completely dissolved.

As I lay here the panic starts to set in. I am awake but I am trapped. I am trapped in my body. I can't escape this, I can't ignore this. I don't want to die. Why did I do this? Why do I have to struggle so much? Why am I like this? No wonder my dad is disappointed in me. No wonder I failed him, No wonder Autumn hated me for 23 years. No wonder Marjorie didn't want me for the longest time. I don't want to die. I want to kill the pain inside me. I want to be better, not feel like I am disappointing everyone, Aut and Marj are gonna hate me for this, they will never fucking forgive me.

I feel tears start to fall down my face as Winter lays me back down this time on my side in case I vomit again. I know Winter called an ambulance. He is just doing his best, I may not be that close to Winter but I see why Aut married him. He is caring and is doing everything he can to keep me alive right now. I watch him as he wraps anywhere I cut myself at making sure all of the bleeding stops before I bleed out. Winter is doing everything he can to keep me alive.

Winter gets up and leaves the room, and shortly later comes back with all the letters I wrote in his hand, I don't know why. It confuses me more than anything but I guess he is trying to stop anyone from reading them right now.

I lay here time feeling slower and slower, I vomit on myself violently and everything goes black.

(Winter's POV)

After I return with the letters I see Reece start to violently vomit on himself. Not long after he starts to have a seizure and choking on his vomit. I quickly position myself behind Reece holding him on his side and I take 2 fingers in his throat to clear his airway. As he is having his seizure I grab my phone again with one hand and time it.

After three and a half minutes he stops seizing. Reece's body is cold and his breathing is shallow and he is back to being awake but unresponsive.

W- "Reece.. It is okay I'm not leaving the ambulance will be here soon. Autumn and Marjorie are going to meet us at the hospital. It will be okay I promise."

I talk to him even though it doesn't seem he can hear me. I imagine he is completely dazed and doesn't even know I am here.

I gently put my hand on Reece's shoulder and give it a tight squeeze to hopefully help keep him grounded in his unresponsive state. I know it is probably uncomfortable but that is the point he will focus on it and stay awake.

Reece is so strong and I know he will make it out of this because he has been trying so hard. He got into his head and now is back to a situation he has been in many times Reece has done so well with healing he has been here for so long and he has spent his whole life trying to protect my wife and protect himself from their dad and the pain of their mother leaving them. One day or Day one. Autumn told me that Reece made it clear to her once that his day one was when his sister was born, he apparently vowed to himself at three years old to protect her. Over the years Reece did just that he did everything he could for my wife, his sister. I can't wait for him to one day become an uncle to me and Autumn's future children because I know between my wife and him my children will have nothing to worry about in the world, they will both do the absolute most for me and Autumn's future children.

After some time the Ambulance finally arrives and has Reece try to drink something that will absorb any remaining medicine inside him still. I follow Reece and the paramedics to the ambulance. I decide to go with him so he knows he isn't alone during this.

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