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Jacob's P.O.V

"MOM! Do I have to go to this stupid thing?!" I shouted from the my room with my face shoved into my pillow.

"Yes you have to, now get up or were gonna be late, besides its not gonna be boring because I just got a call from Ray's mother saying he's coming too also his Cousin Bre, their coming with us so get up & let's go I'll be downstairs" My mom said passing my room going downstairs.

"UUUGGGHHH!!" I Said shoving my face even more in the pillow.

"I heard that! Now hurry up and get ready hijo!" My mom shouted from down the stairs.

"FINE!" I yelled back geting up from my bed.

"Don't yell at me hijo! Or I'll come up there and give you something to yell about!" My mom said.

Then I decided not to say nothing back because me and my mom could argue for days. You're probably wondering what my mom means by 'I have to go' well Jacob Perez is going to summer camp for 2 Months. Yea for 2 months were in the outdoors where were going to sleep in cabins. And you wouldn't believe I was forced into this summer camp shit. Oh yea I'm 14 and I kinda curse, so does my friends too. Whatever I just hope this whole summer camp thing goes good, besides what can go wrong because I'm gonna have my best friends by my side the 'WHOLE SUMMER'

"Hijo are you ready?" My mom said from downstairs.

"Yea" I said grabbing my 2 duffle bags. As I was coming downstairs I went to the kitchen and heated up Taco for Ray and a Beefy burrito for me. When those were done I grabbed a chocolate donut with sprinkles for Bre. Then me and my mom were out the door.


45 minutes later

We were at Rays house. Ray came outside with his 2 duffle bags too while Bre was trailing behind with 3 Carry-on's. They put their bags in the car then got in.

"Dang Bre! how much you need" I said as me and Ray started cracking up.

"Ha Ha very funny, I haven't seen you since last summer and this is how you say hi?" She said holding out her arms.

"I'm sorry girl LOL" I said giving her a best friend hug.

"Well I got y'all something so we can eat until we arrive" I said giving them their snack.

"Yum! TACO'S!" Ray said already munching away.

"Well at least some friends have manners to actually say 'Thank you Jacob for this Delicious donut" Bre said smiling at Jacob then glared at Ray.

"Oh yeah! Thanks for this bomb to the .com Taco!" Ray said grinning like an fool with lettuce hanging out of his mouth.

"One Ewww! Ray and Two You guys are welcome, and Three let's get this so called summer camp over with" I said hugging them.

"Awww Jacob we feel same too my Jakey Boo!" Bre squealed pulling me and Ray into another hug.

"Aye! Aye! You almost made me spill my taco! Enough hugs right now!" Ray said all serious. Man the things he would do for a damn taco. 20 minutes later we were riding through a path the had lead into the woods. Then the car stopped.

"Guess what? WERE HERE!" my Mom said excitedly already getting out the car.

"Wait were already here?! I didn't even finish my freaking Taco!" Ray said angry while he still had a taco in his mouth.

"Well hurry and eat it were here" my mom said already grabbing our bags.

"Dang Mrs. P, you're not gonna miss us or what?" Bre said as me, her, and Ray (who just got done finishing his taco) got out the car.

"Don't worry I'll miss you guys so much! that I cant even look at you and you have to go enjoy this summer camp which I know you're gonna love!" My mom said fake crying and leaning against the car acting all dramatic. Cut the shit mom I know you didn't want me to stay home this summer, you stupid ass hoe. But you know I love you.

"Mom just go home, Bye I'll see you in august, and I just wanna say I love you" I said giving my mom a hug that lasted a good 2 minutes.

"Aww that's so sweet! I wish me and my mom were like that" Ray gushed.

"I highly doubt you and Auntie Keisha's relationship will ever be like that when you told her 'she had saggy Tits" Bre said smacking Ray upside his head.

"Agghh! Shut up Bre! And it was the truth" Ray said rubbing his head glaring Bre up & down.

"But you didn't have to tell her in public!" Bre argued back. As those two cousins argued I said my final goodbye to my mom and gave her a kiss on the cheeks, let's face it if you gave you're mom a kiss on the lips they'll call you a whoosy or a pu$$y.

(A.N. : Lol I crack myself up and I just realize I am acting lame at the moment. I'm gonna stop)

As my mom droved down the road I turned around and sighed as I see Ray & Bre grinning like werido's.


"LETS GET THIS SUMMER STARTED!! YASSSSS!!" They both said in usion and they botched grabed me pulling me towards the camp site just to see................ a lot kids which looks like 1,880 kids. I sighed.

Uh-oh here we go

HEY GUYS, SO THIS IS MY FIRST 'ROYCE' story so please be very supportive and I'll update on the daily. I mean like day by day I'll probably do an update.



Goodbye, and spread the peace and princeton

- Ximorea

Peace, Trust & Love➸RoyceWhere stories live. Discover now