13 - Present

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The early morning sun shone through the windshield as I parked at the airport, the hum of cars and the bustle of people greeting us. Emma sat beside me, scrolling through her phone while we waited for Kristie and her family to arrive. My mind still wandered back to the night at Groove, the night when Gavin's voice sliced through the fog of my emotions, reopening wounds I thought had scarred over. A year had passed, but the pain still lingered, as fresh as the day we said goodbye.

Emma nudged me. "There they are."

I saw Kristie holding her son, Charles, who looked half-asleep in her arms. Behind her was Owen, her husband, carrying two suitcases, a backpack slung over his shoulder. Kristie was glowing, despite being four months pregnant, and the sight of her happy little family brought a bittersweet feeling to my chest. That could've been me and Gavin—if things had gone differently.I plastered a smile on my face and got out of the car. Emma hurried to grab Charles, who smiled sleepily at her, clinging to her neck. I waved to Kristie as I opened the trunk for Owen to load the luggage.

"Welcome back," I said, giving Kristie a tight hug. She felt warm, like home.

"Thanks," she replied, her voice soft but full of energy. "God, it's good to be back. You wouldn't believe how exhausting visiting Owen's parents was." 

She turned to Emma, who was bouncing Charles in her arms. "Charles missed his Auntie Emma."

Emma grinned. "And Auntie Emma missed you too, little man."

We laughed lightly, but I felt the weight of what I had to tell them hanging over me. As Owen loaded the last bag into the car, I tried to steady my nerves. The drive back was going to be long, and I knew I couldn't keep the news to myself much longer. They would sense something was wrong.

As I slipped into the driver's seat and started the car, Kristie climbed in beside me while Owen took the backseat with Emma and Charles. Kristie and I fell into easy conversation as I drove, talking about the auction, how much we had sold, and how Emma had danced with strangers after too much tequila. Kristie laughed, but I could hear the edge in my voice. I was distracted. My mind was spinning with thoughts of Gavin and the message he sent after that night at Groove.

I took a deep breath, gripping the steering wheel tighter. "Kristie... Emma... I need to tell you something."

I could feel Kristie's eyes on me, and I didn't need to look in the rearview mirror to know Emma had perked up too. "What is it, Soph?" Kristie asked, her voice tinged with curiosity and concern.

I hesitated for a moment. "Gavin... messaged me."

Silence filled the car, the hum of the engine suddenly louder in the quiet. Kristie's head whipped around to face me, her brow furrowing. "He what?"

Emma groaned in the backseat. "No way, Sophie. After everything?"

I nodded, my throat dry. "Yeah, after that night at Groove. He saw me there, and the next day, he sent me a message asking if we could talk."

Kristie was fuming. "That asshole. After what he did to you, after cheating on you and breaking your heart, now he suddenly wants to talk? What, does he think he can just waltz back into your life after a year?"

Emma sighed heavily. "I hate him. Maybe it's time for some closure, though, Soph. You've been carrying this around for too long."

Kristie turned in her seat, her eyes flashing. "Closure? Are you kidding me? He cheated, Emma. That's the closure. He made his choice."

Owen, who had been quiet up until this point, finally spoke up from the back. "Kristie's not wrong, but..." he leaned forward, resting his arms on the front seat. "If you do meet up with him, Sophie, just remember to protect yourself. Don't let him hurt you again. Let him chase you. You owe him nothing."

I let out a long sigh, my heart pounding in my chest. "I know. I keep telling myself that, but..." I trailed off, my voice cracking. 

"It's just... I don't know if I'm ready for that. Seeing him at Groove was hard enough. I thought I'd moved on, but all these emotions came rushing back, and now... I don't know what to feel."

Kristie shook her head, crossing her arms over her chest. "You don't owe him anything, Sophie. Not after the way he treated you. He had no right to message you, to drag you back into that mess."

"I agree with Kristie," Emma said firmly. "I know you loved him, Sophie, but sometimes love isn't enough. He destroyed your trust, and you've worked so hard to rebuild your life. You don't need to tear that down just because he feels guilty now."

I bit my lip, trying to focus on the road. Their words were true, but the guilt was still there. A part of me wondered if I owed Gavin a conversation—if closure meant finally putting the past to rest. But then, what if talking to him opened wounds that had only just begun to heal?

"I don't know what I'll do yet," I admitted, my voice quiet. "But I needed to tell you. I couldn't keep it bottled up anymore."

Owen leaned back in his seat, his voice soft but reassuring. "Whatever you decide, just know we're here for you, Sophie. But remember, you deserve better than someone who threw you away. Don't let him make you second-guess that."

Kristie's expression softened, and she placed a hand on my shoulder. "He's right. You deserve so much better than Gavin. And if you ever feel weak... just think about everything you've achieved without him."

I nodded, feeling the weight of their words settle in my chest. I'd come so far since Gavin—rebuilt my life, focused on my art, surrounded myself with people who cared. I wasn't the same person I was a year ago, and maybe that's what scared me. I wasn't sure if I could trust myself to face him without falling apart.

We pulled up to Kristie and Owen's house, and I parked the car, turning off the engine. Owen began unloading the luggage while Emma carried Charles inside. Kristie lingered by the car with me, her expression still firm but kind.

"Listen to Owen, Sophie," she said, her voice gentle but resolute. "Let him chase you. If he really wants you back, let him work for it. But don't let him drag you down again."

I nodded, giving her a small smile. "Thanks, Kristie."As I drove away, my mind still whirling, I couldn't help but wonder—could I really face Gavin again? Would I be strong enough to stand my ground, or would my heart betray me once more? Only time would tell, but one thing was clear: I couldn't run from the past forever.

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