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The early morning light was starting to creep into the hospital, a soft glow replacing the cold, sterile feel of the night. I sat beside Gavin's bed in the intensive care unit, the rhythmic beeping of the machines the only sound in the room. He was still under close monitoring, his face pale and bruised, but his chest rose and fell steadily, and that was the only thing keeping me from falling apart.

I glanced at the time on my phone. It had been almost six hours since I arrived, still dressed in nothing but my nightie under a coat. I hadn't slept, hadn't eaten. My mind was still reeling from everything. Gavin was here, in this fragile state, and I didn't know how to feel. Anger, fear, guilt—they all swirled together, leaving me numb and lost.

I knew I had to call Eleanor, Gavin's mom. She deserved to know what had happened, and it wasn't right for me to be the only one sitting here waiting for updates on his condition. I dialed her number, my fingers trembling slightly, and pressed the phone to my ear.

"Sophie?" Eleanor's voice was soft, laced with concern, as she answered. I could hear the early morning tiredness in her voice.

"Eleanor, it's me," I started, trying to keep my voice steady. "I'm calling to tell you... it's Gavin. He's in the hospital. He's been in a motorcycle accident."

There was a brief silence on the other end, and I heard a sharp intake of breath.

"Oh my God," she whispered. "Is he... is he okay?"

"The doctors said the operation was successful, but he's still under close observation. They're keeping an eye on him." I explained, trying to give her the details as clearly as I could.

"I'll be there as soon as I can," Eleanor said, her voice more determined now, as if her shock had quickly turned into a mother's fierce urgency to be by her son's side.

"Okay. I'll wait for you," I replied, before hanging up the phone. 

It felt surreal, hearing Eleanor's voice again after so long. She had always been warm and kind, and even after everything with Gavin, I knew she still cared about me. But seeing her again under these circumstances was something I hadn't expected.

Time continued to move sluggishly, and the weight of the situation settled in. I glanced down at myself, suddenly remembering that I was still in my nightie, with nothing else except the coat I had thrown on in my haste. I felt uncomfortable, disheveled, like I didn't belong in this place.I quickly pulled out my phone again and dialed Emma. She was the only person I could think of to call right now.

"Soph, it's so early," Emma's voice was groggy when she answered, but it immediately changed when she heard the panic in my voice.

"Emma, I need you to do me a favor," I said, my words rushing out. "I'm at the hospital. Gavin's been in an accident. I've been here for hours, and I'm still in my nightclothes. Can you bring me some proper clothes?"

There was a pause, and I could hear Emma shuffling around, probably getting out of bed. 

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