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I pushed open the door to Gavin's hospital room, the familiar scent of disinfectant and sterile air filling my lungs. Inside, Eleanor was busy packing most of Gavin's things into a large duffel bag. She moved quietly but with the efficiency of someone who had done this a hundred times. It was hard not to feel the weight of her presence, always so composed, always so protective of Gavin.

Gavin was sitting up in bed, looking a little more alert than the last time I saw him. His head was still wrapped in bandages, but there was more color in his cheeks. When his eyes met mine, they lit up, but there was a flicker of something else too—disappointment, maybe?

"Hey," I said, trying to sound light, even though my heart was pounding in my chest.

"Sophie," Gavin's voice was gentle but firm, "why didn't you answer my calls earlier?"

Eleanor stopped what she was doing, her eyes flicking up to me. The room seemed to shrink under her gaze, and I suddenly felt like I was under a spotlight, every movement being watched and judged.

"I'm sorry," I said quickly, my voice a little shaky. "I was... preoccupied. There were a lot of buyers at the gallery, and it got hectic."

Gavin smiled at me, the tension in the room easing slightly.

"You're always working so hard. I'm proud of you, you know that?"

I smiled back, but it felt forced. Guilt gnawed at me from the inside, twisting into tight knots. The truth was, I hadn't answered because I was with Elijah, tangled up in moments I shouldn't have been sharing with anyone but Gavin. But how could I explain that? How could I tell him when everything felt so fragile, like one wrong word would shatter the thin glass of peace we were pretending to have?

Before I could say anything else, the doctor came in, clipboard in hand. He nodded to us as he approached the bed, giving Gavin a quick once-over. I instinctively moved closer to Gavin, feeling the gravity of the situation settle over us again.

"The good news," the doctor began, "is that Gavin's labs have all come back normal. There's nothing wrong with his bloodwork, and his vitals are stable. He'll be ready for discharge tomorrow."

I exhaled in relief, though the doctor's next words kept me grounded. 

"However, you'll need to be careful," he continued, glancing between me and Eleanor. "The stitches in his head aren't fully healed yet. Any sudden movement or strain could cause problems. Make sure to monitor him for dizziness, headaches, or anything out of the ordinary."

Eleanor nodded, her usual calm demeanor giving way to a slight furrow in her brow. I could see the worry etched on her face, and for a moment, it felt like we were all aligned in our concern for Gavin.

The doctor gave us a final nod before leaving the room, and I turned to Gavin, expecting him to be just as relieved as I was. But instead, he had this determined look on his face, like he had already made up his mind about something.

"I'll stay with him for a while," Eleanor said, her voice gentle but firm as she started folding the last of Gavin's clothes.

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