Fluffy Drabbles #4

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#1: YR tries to help
All these years,I reminded YR about the homework and things to bring for the following day. But it was a surprise when she stepped up while we were brushing up our holiday assignments.

"Crystal, you should try and change it," she advised. "You drew this bush too much, so you have to cut it off at some point and change it to fit the reference." I agreed, and then I was able to use acrylic to change it. Despite the struggles of the thickness of acrylic paint, I painted many layers of paint over my old work and soon enough I was able to see a brand new version of my art.
#2: Frisbee helpers part 1
The next module for PE was ultimate frisbee. And being naturally unathletic, I struggled with the handwork of frisbee, leading to some funny grips I assumed just by the teacher's explanations.

Fawn happened to notice this, and one lesson, she decided to take the frisbee from our mini group. She then showed me how to throw the frisbee and I just had to copy it, and then she let me off. But thankfully I was finally understand how to do a forehand:
#3: Frisbee helpers part 2
Similarly, learning more about backhand was an equal struggle. My dancers were flailing around the frisbee, but it wasn't long before my classmates noticed my flimsy ways.

"Crystal, grab the frisbee with all your fingers. Then [...] (by that she means she's correcting her footwork). Yea yes," my classmate corrected. Honestly, both of them helping me made me feel warm and fizzy. In the past, not many people really wanted to help me where PE was concerned, but now they did. Also a little self-love note for myself: I'm lucky to have people notice my passion for PE wasn't forced and they are willing to include even though I'm not good at PE.
#4: See you tomorrow, Nicholas
Nicholas is one of my classmates. However, there is a small, like really small problem. He talks to basically all the girls.

So when we finished our respective literature lessons, I wanted to chat with him when his old classmate Diana announced that she wanted to talk to him. I decided to respect that and bade him farewell. After all, I would be able to talk to him during school hours. Diana wasn't as fortunate after all, their timetables were super different.

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