Oneshot: A Discovery that Changes Everything

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AN: Time for some new OC angst...with a hint of body horror. Moray and Seal both belong to FubukiVolt!

That one girl always caught the eyes of Seal's interest. It had been weeks since the girl joined Orcinus, and she could tell that she was good friends with the leader just by seeing how close they were together. Before she could even go up to them, Orca happened to walk up to Seal instead, the girl following behind. They both had their backs turned at first, looking at each other as the other girl eyed seal and gasped while she looked at her with her arms crossed.

'Woah! Is that the tux wrapped around her neck? Just who is this woman? Is she really just as nice and cold hearted as Orca said she was?' is what the other girl thought as Orca looked at them with a tad worried expression on her face. She was hoping that they would get along before they both looked at her. "What?" she asked Orca, who only just stood there before finally speaking, "Oh, sorry. Lost in thought." She gestured to Seal. "Seal, this is Manta. A childhood friend. She just recently became my partner in being leaders of this group. Manta, Seal. An early member of Orcinus."

Manta took her hand out and smiled. "It's nice meeting you. I hope we can get along." At first, Seal was hesitant, but to Manta's shock...she smiled back and took her hand. "Of course. Any friend of Orca's is a friend of mine," she responded. Once that was finished, Manta couldn't help but ask about how Seal first knew about the place. She hesitated, not wanting to say about her really being a Monster who became human via the potion, so she changed the subject to about Manta.

She didn't want to remember that time when everything shattered in her hands, but she had to at least say to her new friend. Nearly all of the Orcinus members knew that she wasn't made, but born one. So she told her, interesting Seal. It wasn't everyday where she would actually come across a Monster who was half human, and this half human Monster was the second Orcinus leader alongside the one who was made leader from the getgo, the first human to try the potion. Orca's worriment turned to happiness in an instant. She knew the two of them were going to be good friends.

End flashback

"Am this gonna get me exposed...? Oh god, please kill me, I DON'T WANNA DO THIS—" Seal was internally screaming as thoughts of fear and dread flooded into her mind. She felt her heart race like insanity over what had been just mentioned earlier during a discussion between Orca, Manta, and the other members. Even though they were with Team Virus, Moray was there too. Albatross didn't mind them coming since he had embraced the fact that they were his "bird buddy" as Petrel called it. To him, they were still buds in general.

The Orcinus members still didn't know about Seal's true form actually being her Monster form, but the mention about telling Octo and his friends about her Monster form made her feel sick to her stomach. She still remembered seeing those four humans from weeks back and still saw them every so often ever since the madness died down. After when it got mentioned, she told everyone that she needed some air, so she left the meeting spot and got to a place where she was on her own and didn't have anyone following her.

What she didn't know was that Albatross had suggested to Moray that they go after her. See if she was alright. Moray hesitated at first, but soon agreed as they followed her in silence, the two conversating a bit as they headed off. Albatross finally asked them about what Petrel's deal was, and Moray had responded, "Don't tell Miss Anemone I told you this, alright? I mean, she's known since day one but I'd be embarrassed if she found out I told someone like you about their case."

Albatross of course promised to keep his lips sealed as he found out about Petrel having their own identity and personality. "Must be a Monster who is half human. Like Manta," he said, making them nod. "Manta is...really sweet. She understands how I feel, she and Petrel get along, it's fun being around her. I'm glad we're friends." Albatross did want to smile. It reminded him of his first week at Orcinus, finally getting to know Manta and Orca more along with his first time meeting Slug too.

As they traveled, they happen to hear some sobs and screams of pain. Telling Moray to stay put, Albatross went on ahead and decided to see who it was. It was Seal for sure since he could easily recognize her voice. She didn't sound normally though. Albatross slightly peeked out of his hiding spot to see the poor girl on the ground, banging it angrily and out of suffering. He wanted to go talk and help her just as he heard her say, "I can't do it...I don't WANT to do it..." She kept murmuring this under her breath before she finally screamed something that turned into a roar.

"Why can't I just keep this whole thing a secret?! I CAN'T KEEP DOING THIS!" When the roar happened, she got up to her feet and started to transform into her Monster form. Moray happened to come in as Albatross gripped the side of his hiding spot even more as they peeked from under him, soon freaking out and almost wanting to scream over seeing that the two had basically came to check on someone who was in the middle of transforming. To Albatross, it was just like all was normal. With Moray? It was total nightmare fuel. 

They watched her female structure fade away into that of a males, the voice deepening into that of a powerful growl as the male body structure became more prominent like the expanded chest and muscle mass in the arms. The horns came from the head, ears becoming more bull like as the man of a Monster that Seal was becoming soon reached its max size of that of an alpha Monster. Albatross would of been terrified himself, but he had overcame his fear of them thanks to Manta. Moray was about to loose it as they heard the transformation noises combined with the deep voice and the snarls and growls.

Just as the now male Seal roared when the change finished, Moray wanted to pass out and run, but they ended up passing out, freaking Albatross out. It was a good thing that she, more like he, didn't hear the sound of thudding as he breathed to himself, shortly realizing that he had transformed due to his emotions. He got to his knees, still having the thoughts of screaming and dread inside of him as he started tearing up. "I want to keep this a one, not even Orca and Manta, can know this...p-please don't make me do it..." The words hit Albatross dead in the chest. This was no ordinary human. This was a Monster turned human because of the potion.

He never knew that THIS was also possible. Him becoming a Birdman because of the potion? Never thought that it could be possible. But a Monster becoming a human? This was something he never expected in a million years. He knew that the two of them had to go before Seal caught onto them about them following him/her despite him wanting to talk to Seal about the problems he faced. I'm sorry. I want to talk to you, I do, but I don't want us stepping in the way and make things worse, Albatross thought as he picked up Moray and walked up, a few tears forming in his eyes as he heard the Minotaur Ogre's sniffling voice and sounds of crying from behind.

Albatross couldn't help but feel sorry for Seal if he was being honest. Moray would of been the same way if they weren't passed out at the moment, but he was for sure certain that Petrel was screaming right now on seeing if Moray was alright. He'd tell them that they were alright, but he couldn't hear Petrel when they weren't present. Albatross then stopped and looked back at where Seal was. He heard something else: "Do I really...have to do this...?" He wanted to give her courage, but then decided to talk to her at base and pretended like nothing happened. With a heavy heart, he returned back to base with the passed out Moray over his shoulder.

He for sure wasn't going to tell Orca and Manta what he just saw and found out. Did Seal really want this, or was she thinking bad thoughts? He didn't know, but he knew that he was going to help her somehow. He'd helped Slug one time, and now he could do it to the she who was really a he. Everything was possibly going to be alright, and he was sure of it. He just hoped that Seal was going to get back to base safely.

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