Oneshot: Losing All Control of An Inner Beast

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AN: This will be converted into an actual chapter for UoIB, so when I get around to Episode 6 of the Goonya Monster story it will be moved there. It's the start of the fight against the King Amoeba after Goonyan's sacrifice...but with a twist. 

When the white faded, Goonyan was nowhere in sight. "Huh? Goonyan?" Octo looked around, hoping that he could find them, but he couldn't. Everyone else was having their own thoughts and talks all before Anemone spoke up. "Goonyan's not here anymore..." she said, a sad look on her face. Octo's eyes widened in shock, tears starting to pour from them. "Wh-What...? No. NO. YOU'RE LYING!" he started getting a bit tense.

Anemone sighed. "I'm sorry, but I'm not. That last reset must have used used up all their energy." Octo finally realized that she wasn't lying. "No...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" he then screamed, falling to his knees in defeat. Toad looked at Anemone in a worried look before looking at Octo, a small hint of water in his eyes. "They did good..." he finally said softly, seeing that they had sacrificed themselves to help them get the upper hand. Octo had lost the very thing keeping him sane besides his friends, and now he felt empty inside.

He started growling and snarling, breaking his limit further than ever before. The tears came pouring down harder than ever before as they hit the ground, soon eyeing the Monster that he thought was responsible for all of this. He eyed it, eyes now glowing that same blazing red from before as drool came out of his mouth. Everyone was trying to get him to calm down, Pirarucu exclaiming, "Octo, you have to calm down! We have to finish this for Goonyan!" and Toad shouting, "Goonyan sacrificed themselves for us! It's true that they did some bad things...but they still want to see us move forwards! So please, calm down for us!"

Orca, Manta, Snail, and even Anemone all started talking sense into the kid, but it was no use. He had already snapped, and stood up fully as he began to laugh manically, the laugh breaking out into a snarl as he started transforming in one quick setting. It was just like from what the three had witnessed before Goonyan reset time for that second moment, but now they were really seeing it. Toad was right. Octo had indeed taken the potion, but a special one. Now all four of them had taken the very thing that made them Monsters in the first place.

The ten year old kid loomed over the group with an insane look on his face, roaring in advance as the other Monster let out a "Guh?!" upon seeing what an actual kid had transformed into. "I can't believe it worked...that King Amoeba WORKED! AND THE SUBJECT IS A NEGATIVE!" Anemone squealed, shocking the main three. "King Amoeba-what are you talking about?!" Pirarucu yelled in confusion, Toad for sure not remembering anything like this from his overhearings. Orca and Manta had witnessed the transformation of the kid they had given that said potion all those moments ago, and they too had realized that it was a success from Anemone.

The transformed Octo then had his back turned to the King Amoeba, laughing manically again as he turned to face it, drool oozing from his mouth, tears and that red gaze in his eyes. The King Amoeba was petrified by what it was seeing. Another one of its kind, twice its size, laughing manically at it. "You're...why Goonyan's gone..." he started, still huffing from his transformation. "I won't forgive you..." he then turned around fully and prepared for the attack. "I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU..."

Finally, he leapt at it. "YOU'RE NOT GETTING IN MY WAY!!!" The King Amoeba let out another "Guh?!" in response to getting punched straight in the stomach, getting knocked back in response. It got up again as its surprise foe faced it dead on, that same maniacal look in his eyes. "What's wrong? Too chicken to fight me?" he taunted, everyone watching in fear(besides Anemone who had a bit of fear in her eyes)as he pinned it down, the Monster struggling to get up from his grip. 

"Heh. Figured you were too scared to fight me. NOW YOU. WILL. PAY!!!" Octo was about to get the finishing blow on the creature before it started getting sick from the pressure he was holding on it. It tried to hold it all in, but it couldn't. When Octo let go of the King Amoeba with a disgraced look on his face, the Monster ended up spitting Slug out when it got up. He rolled across the floor, goo all over his body and head. "SLUG!" Snail screamed, running over to him. "Snail, be careful! He could be dangerous!" Toad shouted, almost transforming himself to try and protect her. Yet he didn't know how strong this thing Octo became was.

Slug coughed up some of the goo that was in his mouth as he looked at his sister in the eyes. "S-Snail...?" he stammered, looking at the two King Amoebas about to interlock into battle again. "Thank goodness!" Snail happily said, hugging him. Manta sighed in relief over seeing him not in any physical harm from when the Monster engulfed him. "Slug! Please tell me you're alright!" Toad shouted as he rushed over to the two siblings. He nodded. "I'm fine. Sorry for causing trouble," he then said with a smile.

He then saw Octo. "What him?" All eyes turned to the transformed boy, soon grabbing the King Amoeba by its tux. It screeched again, terror in its eyes as he laughed manically again. There were still some tears in his eyes, yet he wanted to do this for Goonyan...and get revenge on the Monster he thought was responsible for it. "If you're too scared to fight, then why don't you try FIGHTING ME YOU MONSTER?!" he roared, still scaring the beast. It finally gazed at him in a way like it wasn't going to back down from another one of its kind twice its size. It made Octo smile evilly as he sat it down. Both Amoebas then clashed there and now, him readying to seize that sweet, sweet revenge his mind was set on.

Snail and Toad were able to help Slug get back on his feet and away from the danger as they watched the two Amoebas fight. "We'll explain everything," Orca soon said. The two women explained about Octo being a Nega-King Amoeba, possibly the rarest Negative Monster ever to exist. The King Amoeba itself was already rare enough, not just manmade like the one he was facing now. Anemone had already heard about the creature and wanted to try to make a potion special enough that could transform a human into one, a Negative landing a jackpot.

Since she couldn't find an actual King Amoeba, she had to resort to either an Amoeba Goonyan or Amoeba Zombie. Amoeba Zombies were a bit tougher to get a sample from, so she resorted to an Amoeba Goonyan since they also were made from Amoeba DNA asides from being failed Goonyan clones. She had placed the liquid in a bright green vile and stuck a warning label on the side, warning of the additional Amoeba DNA. Now she needed a human to take it, and that was when she distributed it to Orca and Manta, the two passing the vile down to Octo, the very human who became the Monster before them.

"...What's shocking is that he retains some human features like the three of you," Orca finished. "It's like human and Monster have fused together," Manta added. "It's quite unusual." They were right. Him, Snail, and Pirarucu all still had some of their human features when they were Monsters. Maybe it didn't happen with every person, but it was weird. "Octo can't win this fight alone. We're going to need more help," Toad finally said. Slug agreed, soon saying that he too would join in this fight. Pirarucu thanked him for the help, Toad turning to Anemone.

She looked at him confused before he said, "I need you to cooperate with us." That shocked her, seeing it as a very straightforward request as Toad added, "You're the only one here that can weaken that Monster. Octo's only doing half of the work, but it's not going to be enough." She watched the two Amoebas clash, soon agreeing. "Well, when you put it that can I say no? I'm already satisfied seeing King Negato being a success!" That reminded Toad of when she agreed to the name Minotoad for his Monster form. The name still latched onto him, personally.

"It's time for me to do my best too!" she exclaimed. "After all, Goonyan did put their body on the line for us, but it's not fair if I'm the only one working hard." She then gave Toad a request that almost made him sweat: modifying the Mother pot. It made sense in a way. He was a weapons developer and had knowledge on making weapons after all. He could possibly modify it in a way so that it could become a weapon to attack the King Amoeba, helping Octo getting more of an upper hand in his fight.

He agreed with the promise of her not to pester him anymore about his Monster form. "'s a deal!" she exclaimed, the two shaking on it. It still didn't mean she was going to pester him every so often. Manta looked at Orca in a saddened way, soon patting her shoulder. "You can still start over. We both can. Pirarucu is working on it, and so is Anemone. It's true that Goonyan thing did some bad things, but they also did good stuff for them." She gestured to them, and then to Octo who was still going on his rampage.

She smiled. "Very well then. Let's go help them shall we?" Manta nodded and smiled. "Spoken like a true leader of Orcinus." Everyone then got to work. It was time to finish the fight Octo had started, what Goonyan had wanted. Anemone got to work on a weakening potion, Toad started the modifications on the Mother pot, and Snail, Slug, Clione, Pirarucu, Orca, and Manta(who transformed into her Monster form)all got ready to defend the two of them. It wasn't going to be an easy fight, but they weren't going to lose. This was for Goonyan after all. Yet at it all...King Negato was finally unleashed.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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