─ chapter two ; "dirty deets."

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Curling my trembling fingers into my palm, sweat beaded along my hairline as I waited for Uncle to divulge the news he had to share.
He watched me become more anxious by the second and laid a soothing palm to the top of my head.

"It's nothing bad, Aphrodite," the soft tone of Uncle's deep timbre soothed my nerves, but only a little. I took a hasty plop down on the bar stool in front of the island, releasing a tiny yelp when it wobbled underneath my bottom.

Clinging to the marble countertop, I thanked my lucky stars that I was able to righten myself before Uncle saw me making a fool of myself. His back was to me as he typed a quick reply on the laptop before turning to me.

"Luke and the boys just messaged me a couple minutes ago to tell me that the mission overseas is complete." his broad shoulder slumped in relief, thick lips pulling back into the broadest grin known to man, "They're coming home. After three years my boys will be home."

My eyes bulged from their sockets. Luke? My mind whirled, wondering why that name sounded so familiar before it hit me. Luke was Uncle's nephew! 

I jumped to my feet and threw myself at Uncle, capturing the man that was twice my size in a little hug.

"Oh, Uncle! I'm so happy for you – Oh! Oh, and Jessi and Erica! Do they know?" I asked eagerly, remembering Jessi telling me that her brother Kota was a part of the Blackbourne-Toma team. According to Jessi and Uncle, all of them are a family.

Uncle chuckled, "Of course, Kota called them."

I pulled away from Uncle's embrace and beamed, "I bet you're all so happy! When will they be here?"

Uncle took a seat at the island and pursed his mouth, "Sometime during the week. They've been packing for the past two days. The boys had a house built on a private property they bought a couple years back."

"Ohhh, so I'll get to meet them soon?" I asked happily, excited at the thought of meeting the rest of Uncle, Erica, and Jessi's family. I opened my mouth to continue my rambling – only to stop short. And Uncle noticed.

"Little Bird?"

"Do you think they'll like me?" I wondered, brows drawing together in fear of them hating me. What if I made a fool of myself in front of them? I would never live it down for as long as I resided on this earth.

Uncle's eyes twinkled with barely restrained glee, reaching out he grasped my shoulders and gave me a pat. "A sweet little girl like you? They'll love you to pieces, little bird." he chuckled, a smirk pulling at his lips.

I furrowed my brows and pouted my lips in thought. "If you're sure." I told him doubtfully, knowing I would have to plan what I would say, what I would wear, and how I would style my hair before I met them.

I wanted to make the best impression I could. Everything needed to be perfect, right?

"Now go on and get dressed, Jessica should be here soon." he acknowledged, peering out the window, "I'll go get dressed myself."

I nodded and sent him a final smile before I hightailed it out the kitchen and upstairs to my bedroom. Uncle told me it used to be Luke's old room before he renovated and painted the walls pink.

Entering my space of complete serenity, I closed the door behind me and untied the laces of my nightgown, allowing it to pool around my feet. In only my undergarments, I picked up the discarded nightgown and placed it inside the hamper before picking up the outfit I set out last night.

I slid on the pink gingham pleated mini skirt and a white top with short sleeves, joyfully noting how well it paired together before slipping on my white nike airs and calling it a day.

Brushing through the long pale pink strands of my hair, I pulled the front pieces of my hair away from face with two barrettes before the shrill squeak of Jessi's car horn startled me into action.

"Goodness." I murmured to myself, patting the area above my heart to calm myself. I picked up my purse and phone and left my bedroom in a rush, breezing past a gobsmacked Uncle — who yelled after me to be careful not to fall and hurt myself.

I waved goodbye to him over my shoulder and hopped into Jessi's suburban.

My best friend grinned brightly at me, the pink rimmed glasses perched on her nose falling down slightly in her excitement.

"Did Uncle tell you–" her words were cut off when she squealed with happiness, making a giggle leave my lips.

"I'll finally be able to meet your brother –" I pouted my lips in thought, "I'm really nervous though." I admitted to her while she pulled out of the driveway and turning the car in the direction of the diner at the end of sunnyvale court.

Jessi rose a perfectly trimmed brow, "Why?" her voice hinted at the raw amusement in her tone. Flushing, I nibbled my bottom lip and flashed my eyes away from her knowing stare.

"What if your brothers — um, what if they don't like me?" my voice was a whisper.

As much as I tried to pretend I was confident – I wasn't the least bit. In all honesty, I was shy. Too shy. I wasn't going to pretend I was good at meeting new people. Especially knowing they were important to the people I considered my family.

Jessi snickered, "Oh, Aphi — they'll love you." She stole a quick glance at me as we neared the diner. "The guys are really nice even though North and Raven look scary as fuck." She laughed to herself. "I know Gabe will love you."

"Which one is he again?" I winced apologetically, guilty of the fact I keep mixing them up. I mean, c'mon, there were fourteen to try to remember. I hadn't ever seen their faces to be able to remember correctly.

Jessi snickered, pulling the car to a stop in her claimed parking space at the diner and turned towards me. "He's the only one in the whole fuckin' group who you can trust to dress you. Also known as the one who has a colorful vocabulary."

"Ah," I snapped my fingers, "Got it. He's the one who beat Luke up with a hairdryer when he poured a bucket of red paint all over his shoes, right?"

A loud cackle left Jessi's lips, "That's the one."

A laugh left my lips at her blatant amusement. I opened the car door and hopped out after her.

Jessi shot a look at me over her shoulder and grinned, "Come on, I'll let you in on all the dirty deets about my brothers before you meet them."

Oh goodness.

— authors note ;

I'm thinking that Aphrodite will be a mix of Solaris, Elena, and Athena lmaooo

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