─ chapter eight ; "the sting of betrayal."

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"It isn't funny!" I pouted, pointedly looking at the window while Uncle teased me of my reaction to Kota.

"Jess is gonna love this!" Uncle howled, slapping his knee as his chuckles grew in volume. He parked his truck in Mrs. Rafe's driveway and snickered some more. I pouted harder, crossing my arms tightly across my chest.

"This is so embarrassing." I mumbled, gathering my things, eager to leave the truck.

"It's adorable." Uncle corrected, still giving me that teasing smile. I flushed and looked away quickly.

Just as I was about to leave the vehicle, I jerked around with an acustory stare, "Why didn't you tell me!?"

Uncle's thick brows shot up, "Didn't tell you what?"

My mouth popped open at his audacity, "How handsome he was!"

They should have told me that about all of them! The sting of betrayal was bitter and hard to swallow.

Uncle stared at me, gobsmacked. Until he threw his head back, horse laughing. Again. I huffed and left the truck unhappily.

"Ah hell," He wiped a tear of mirth from under his eye, "I can't wait to tell Erica."

Those two gossipped more than anyone I knew.

I groaned and turned away, "Goodbye, Uncle."

The only goodbye I got from him was more laughter.

Ugh. Be that way then.

I waved over my shoulder and ran to Mrs. Rafe's door and knocked, eager for my mind to focus on something else.

Three hours had passed and my wishes went ungranted. The most embarrassing moment of my life never ceased its constant nagging. I almost broke a string on my violin because of it!

I dreaded having to go back home.
Would they still be there?
Was Uncle gossiping with Mama Erica as we speak?

My stomach rolled and clenched at the thought.

"Goodnight, Mrs. Rafe." I whispered to my violin teacher as she cradled her newborn son to her chest, wearing a soft smile.

She whispered back her reply, allowing me to step past her and into the cool spring air. I gripped my belongings as Uncle's truck pulled into the driveway and parked. Waiting for me.

I sent Mrs. Rafe one final smile before scuttling to the truck and hopping inside. Uncle was in the driver's seat, seemingly over teasing me. I slumped against the seat in relief and buckled up.

"How did it go?" Uncle asked, smiling widely after I settled in.

I beamed back, the embarrassment I encountered earlier temporarily out of mind. "It went so great, Uncle! Mrs. Rafe was really impressed with my progress since I last saw her!" I gushed, tiny hands fisting in happiness.

Uncle clapped his hands, "Of course, She'd be impressed, I bet you're the best student she's ever had." he boasted proudly, ruffling the pale pink strands of my hair.

A giggle rose from me as pride enveloped my soul.

"I hope." I replied, telling him all about Mrs. Rafe's baby while he backed out of the driveway and turned in the direction of home.

I prattled on and on about the next pieces I had to practice during the week, thankfully forgetting the less pleasant memories of today.
Until it was nearing the time when we were about to pull into the driveway, I balked.

"Um, Uncle?" Fear licked at my insides.

"Yeah, birdie?" Amusement licked at his.

"...a-are they still at the house?" I asked, flinching the moment my voice began to crack during the middle of my sentence.

Uncle tried his best not to snicker. Turning into the driveway, he let me suffer in silence. "They left to help the movers finish unpacking. I reckon they're paying them extra to stay late until everything is finished."

"...okay." I could have fallen down and died at his words. I wiggled in my seat to express my relief. At least I wouldn't have to worry about making a fool of myself no more tonight!

My body prickled with a nagging thought. I would have to face them soon enough, but thankfully today was not that day.

"Oh, and Erica and Jessi want you to come over. I think they want to have one of those girl's night. Tell me, what happens during one of those nights?"

I giggled at his words and accepted my part in explaining it to him when we came to a stop in front of the house. I unbuckled my seatbelt and hopped out of the truck before getting my things and hightailing it to the porch, where my basket and flowers sat.

I gripped the wicker basket in my free hand and thanked Uncle when he held the door open for me.
I entered the house with no small show of unrestrained relief.
I wished Uncle a good night and went up to my bedroom to put all my things up.

Throwing my body across my bed after changing into my nightgown, I snuggled underneath my covers and dreamed of emerald green eyes, molten steel eyes, crystal blue eyes, cerulean blue eyes, eyes the color of the fluffy grass I adored so much, and dark eyes that seemed to uncover my darkest memories and bring them to the surface.

I tossed and turned that night; getting a terrible night's sleep and woke up haggard and exhausted beyond measure.
Was I getting sick?

Dragging my body out of bed, I peered into the vanity mirror and grimaced at the appalling sight of dark circles marring the many sun kissed complexion.

I hurried to the bathroom, narrowingly avoiding stubbing my toes on the corners of my bed, and washed my face.
Feeling much better once the cool water hit my face, I used a towel to dry the water off, and decided to get dressed for the day. Even though it was only six am.

I decided to wear loose denim jeans, a white shirt, and my pretty oversized pink woolen sweater. Slipping socks on my feet, then my pink Adidas, I called it a day once my hair was pulled off my face into a messy—yet not messy bun complete with a rose clip in the back to conceal the hair tie.

"Looks okay to me," I mumbled, doing a once over in the mirror after adding the lightest touch of makeup to my face. I needed to look more alive or Uncle will worry about my mental and physical health (again).

I took a seat at my desk, flipping on the light and got to work finishing my essay that was due any day now.

— author's note ; ✨

so many possibilities for this fic 🫣

so many possibilities for this fic 🫣

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^^^ Aphrodite's outfit

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