─ chapter six ; "oh, sweet zeus!"

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Uncle's arms wrapped around my body like steel chains as I sniffled and shook.
I felt how upset he was as he shielded me from the Russian bear's eyes and allowed me to enter the kitchen from the backdoor.

"What happened, birdie?" His soft words calmed me enough to where I could hear loud voices speaking inside the living room, and I stiffened.

"W-who's here, Uncle?" I hoped it wasn't who I thought it was. My heart pounded inside my chest. Oh no. I gripped the edges of my oversized sweater and willed the tears to leave me be. Uncle swept my hair from my face and smiled slightly when he noticed I was calm. Or as calm as I can manage.

"The boys got in a little bit after you left."

My eyes widened. So that big mean russian was one of Uncle 'nephews'? I gulped.

"So that big mean russian is..."

"That would be Raven." his eyes grew hard.

That's just great.

"Oh." the words left my lips in a squeak, trying to remember all that Jessi told me about him.

Number one : He's scary (this is now proven true to me)

Number Two : Professional russian

Number Three : He is dating a nerdling named Corey

Number Four : He carries a gun (and isn't afraid to shoot your face off)

I wasn't going to lie and say I wasn't terrified of him. I was. No lie.

A shudder ran down my spine at the thought of having to be near him.

"He's mean." I mumbled, avoiding his eyes to stare at my shoes. I fiddled with the end of my clothing and wondered what was going to happen.

"Hey," Uncle kneeled down to peer into my eyes, thumbs coming up to dry the lingering tears. "How 'bout you get your violin and I'll take you to your lessons, eh?"

I sucked my bottom lip into my mouth and slowly nodded. "Okay."

Uncle smiled approvingly and stood to his full height, and moved behind me – big hands finding a place on my shoulders, pushing me forward just the slightest bit. I took his silent request and took a shaky step forward. And then another. And another until I was in the living room, faced with only what I could have dreamed in my fantasies.

A room absolutely stuffed with the most attractive men I'd ever bloomin' seen in my short life on the earth.

Oh, sweet Zeus!

Am I on Olympus? So soon?

A muffled squeak left my lips when I pinched my thigh to make sure I wasn't deceased. To my greatest embarrassment, I wasn't. I was in a room with attractive men, and I had no female company.

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