Part - 20 :

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As soon as luna stepped out of the house, she began searching for her scooty to head to college. But when luna couldn't find her scooty, kevin rushed out, catching up to her as luna searching. 'I forgot to tell you, your parents took your scooty out, Kevin said, but luna unforgiving, 'Why didn't you tell me earlier?' luna snapped, before storming off towards the bus stop. Kevin tried to reason with her, but luna ignored him, walking swiftly. Undeterred, Kevin sprinted back home, grabbed his backpack, and chased after Luna, calling out to her, but she remained oblivious. Finally, they arrived at the deserted bus stop, Kevin exhausted from his sprint. As they waited, Luna's anger simmered, and Kevin told, I think we don't have college today, no one's here. But Luna retorted, 'If we're late, no one will be there, everyone's already left, and now we're the only ones struggling to find a bus."

"After a lengthy wait, Luna and Kevin finally boarded the bus to college. They sat in separate seats, Luna still seething with anger and hunger. Mid-journey, Kevin received a call from his friend, informing him that college was cancelled due to an inspection. Kevin tried to convey this to Luna, sitting beside her and attempting to explain, but luna remained unresponsive, her anger and frustration still simmering. Don't talk to me!' she snapped, prompting Kevin to retort in irritation, 'Can't you understand? There's no college today because of the inspection!" The conversation abruptly ended, and an uncomfortable silence fell between them.Luna eventually broke the silence, her voice flat and resigned, Let's get off at the next stop and head home."

"When the next bus stop arrived, Luna and Kevin got off and began walking to the subsequent stop to catch their bus home. As they are walking, they overheard snippets of conversations from passersby mentioning that college was closed due to an inspection. Kevin couldn't help but chuckle, while Luna's expression remained dull. Kevin sarcastically remarked, 'Oh, great, now everyone knows what we don't college today!. Luna's eyes narrowed slightly as she retorted, I know you're talking about me. She shook her head, explaining, 'I didn't check my phone because it's nowhere to be found at home. Her voice carried a hint of exasperation and defensiveness.".

Luna's silence persisted. After a short walk, they reached the next bus stop and waited for the bus. When bus arrived, they boarded and sat in the same seats as before. Kevin noticed Luna's gloomy mood and asked if she was okay. Luna replied, 'Yeah, I'm fine, but Kevin's attempts at conversation were met with, I can't talk, I have a headache and want to sleep. Kevin relented, saying, 'Okay, sleep. I'll wake you when we reach home."

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