Part - 27 :

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(Everyone staring at Luna and Kevin, surprised by their differing answers)

It seemed like Luna and Kevin were at odds, leaving the group curious and confused. Silence filled as all eyes were on Luna and Kevin, awaiting clarification.

As the food arrived, David interrupted, "Let's eat," attempting to steer the conversation away from the awkward exchange. But shiny pressed for answer "What's going on? I don't understand." Luna don't know what to say but she uttered " May......... may be kevin might have seen me on my scooty, but I didn't see him since he will take bus." Everyone nods and convinced by luna's explanation.

Shiny's confusion deepened, "But how do you know Kevin takes the bus home?." The group's attention shifted to Luna, awaiting clarification. Luna hesitated before explaining, ".........i saw him getting on the bus once.

Everyone agrees, " That's right!"

David attempts to divert attention from the awkward conversation to the food, "Guys, let's eat! The food's getting cold!." The group diverted their attention to eating, leaving the conversation unresolved. The group continued chatting, joking, and enjoying their food, expertly diverting the conversation to safer topics.

"As everyone about to finished lunch, Luna received a text from Kevin asking a ride home since he couldn't take the bus. Luna replied 'no', but "Kevin texted Luna, 'Did you forget the condition?' But Luna denied knowing any condition. Kevin responded, 'Okay, I'll ask someone else to drop me home.' Just as Luna was about to agree, she realized Kevin was living with her family and quickly texted, 'No, don't tell anyone! Kevin teased, 'You can't drive me home, that's why i will ask someone. Luna, irritated, replied, 'I know what you're doing. Kevin asked, 'What do you mean? Luna angrily responded, "Nothing. Don't ask anyone. I'll drop you however."

"After finishing lunch, everyone headed to college to grab their bikes and head home. Along the way, the group mingled, laughing and joking together. As they reached college, they parted ways to their vehicles. David noticed Luna waiting and asked if she was going home. Luna hesitated, then mentioned she have some work . Alya heard their conversation and asked Luna" what's the work?" then luna uttered "I......I need to go to the  supermarket to grab something. Alya said, 'I'll come with you, Luna, my parents will be late. David added, 'I'll join you guys.

Luna, Alya, and David headed to the supermarket near college. Luna was frustrated, thinking she didn't need to buy anything,unbeknownst to them, Luna's actual plan was to pick up Kevin, who she had previously declined driving home. "After shopping at the supermarket, Luna, Alya, and David headed back to college. Alya's parents arrived, and she left with them to home.

Luna saw Kevin waiting near the college entrance. She headed to grab her scooty, with David following closely. David asked Luna to visit the new mall, but luna quickly declined, saying 'No, I can't. Before David sought to continue their conversation, but luna abruptly left on her scooty, leaving him unspoken thoughts. David watched as Luna sped away from college on her scooty, surprisingly bypassing Kevin at the entrance without picking him up.

"Kevin assumed Luna had forgotten him, but then she sped past the entrance without stopping. Confused, Kevin received a text from Luna: 'I'm far from the entrance, come let's go home together. Kevin rushed to meet Luna, who was waiting. They set off together, an awkward silence filling the journey. Kevin broke the silence, asking, 'How was your exam?' but received no response. Kevin repeated the question, prompting an irritated Luna to snap, 'Why do you always want to know about me? Kevin explained, 'I'm asking because many questions I told you came up in the exam. Luna bristled, 'It's a coincidence, don't think you prepared the question paper!.' and 'why did you tell them we met before?'

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