Part - 25 :

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Luna's phone buzzed nonstop as Alia sent her a flurry of messages, each containing precious pictures from the book. Luna scrolling and studying the images for hours on end. But as the minutes ticked by, Luna's eyes began to strain, but prolonged screen time gave luna a headache. Her phone's battery died, cutting her study session short. The sudden loss of power left Luna frustrated and tired.

Luna was at a loss. Her phone's dead battery had halted her studying, and she desperately needed to prepare for her exam. Then luna thought of Kevin, knowing he had the book she required. However, luna hesitated because she often ignored kevin, and she doubted he'd be willing to help. Luna's inner dialogue swirled: "Should I ask Kevin? No, he'll probably ignore me. But I really need that book. Maybe I should try? But what if he says no?"

Luna hesitated, thinking Kevin might

be asleep, given the late hour. Luna. knocked on the door, and Kevin opened it, looking curious.Kevin asked luna "What do you want?." Luna pause, unsure what was she saying "Nothing... I don't want anything. "Kevin began closing the door, assuming it was a mistaken knock. Luna quickly intervened, "Wait, stop! I need something."

Kevin reopened the door and asked "What is it?." Luna hesitated, before asking, "I don't have my book. Can I borrow yours for a while?

Kevin said sarcastically, "I'm sure you have many friends. Ask one of them." Luna explained, her voice laced with desperation, "I've been reading on my phone, but the battery died. Please, can I borrow your book?." Kevin said "No, I won't give you my book." Luna pleaded with Kevin to lend her his book. Then Kevin told but on one condition. Then Luna asked what it is?. Kevin said "Only if you agree to drive me home from college sometimes because the bus rides are really crowded." Then Luna told " i can't, how can you ask that?." Kevin said "If you can't drive me, you can't have the book. "Luna agreed hesitantly, 'Okay, I'll pick you up. Kevin smiled, 'Great, come into my room and you can borrow my book. Luna entered his room, and they sat together at the study desk.

Kevin mentioned, 'I only have three chapters left to read. Luna nodded, expecting him to hand over the book. Instead, Kevin suggested, 'Let's read together, okay?' They got into their studies, with Kevin highlighting important topics crucial for the exam. As the night wore on, Luna found herself wondering why Kevin was being so helpful. Before she knew it, the clock struck 3 am. Exhausted, Luna's eyes drooped, and her face reflected her fatigue. Kevin noticed, 'Hey, what's wrong? You look so dull Luna brushed it off, 'Nothing. Kevin asking again. Luna said, "honestly, Kevin, I am so tired from staring at the screen."

Kevin empathized, 'Okay, I'll make you some coffee. Luna declined, but Kevin insisted, 'No, I'll make you coffee. You look exhausted. Kevin headed to the kitchen, leaving Luna alone in his room." Carrying the steaming cups, kevin returned to his room, expecting to find Luna waiting.

Instead, kevin found luna slumped over the study desk, fast asleep. Luna's head rested on her folded arms, her breathing slow and peaceful. Kevin's heart swelled with concern; he didn't want to disturb her. Kevin gently placed the coffee cups on the desk, careful not to make a sound. Luna didn't stir. Kevin smiled, observing her tranquil face. Then kevin decided to let her sleep, leaving the coffee beside her. Without a word, kevin quietly slipped out of his room, leaving luna to sleep, and caught some sleep in the hallway.

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