🍃43. Selfish🍃

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"Miss Renu is strange, isn’t she?"

Intuorn replied as we drive back together. Meanwhile, I sait in silence, feeling guilty, pretending not to notice anything, although my heart is pounding with anxiety.

"What do you mean?"

"She seems very interested in you. I’ve been thinking about everything that happened, the words, the looks she gives you. It’s all very strange. "

The young rebel looked at me suspiciously, her mind full of doubts. Although her questions were directed at Renu, she was also suspicious of me, but she didn’t express it.

‘They must have met before... But when?’

"Maybe she just saw me always walking around you. I didn’t see anything strange."

"Nothing strange, huh?"

Intuorn rested her chin on her hand and looked at me.

"You don’t usually get involved with anyone. But since you insisted on reading her fortune like that, it made me think that maybe you two knew each other before."

"I met her around the same time as you."



'You're lying.'



"Well, that might be true. You've never lied to me."

And with that, Intuorn ended the conversation and pretend to fall asleep. I stand there, biting my lip, feeling like it wouldn't be long before she found out that Teacher Renu and I knew each other. After that, she'd probably dig deeper to find out why.

Maybe my past was calling me to face it soon.

This means... we might not be together anymore, Intuorn.

Today was a terrible day for me. Not only did Intuorn act cold and suspicious about everything, but Teacher Renu also didn't call me, even though it's already 8:08 PM. Today is the first day the phone has gone dead, and it's driving me crazy.

Okay, I’ll call her myself!


But she hung up without hesitation. I stared at the phone, gritting my teeth in frustration. If I could scream, I would, but I didn’t want to alarm anyone in the house. Damn it! She’d made Intuorn suspicious, and now she was giving me the cold shoulder. I didn’t even know what I did wrong!



As soon as she swiped her key card and opened the door, I, who had been waiting, couldn’t contain myself any longer and asked immediately. The lovely woman avoided my calls and arrived late today, even though she knew it was our day to meet. She looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"What’s going on?"

"What do you mean by 'what's going on?'"

"You called me, so tell me what you need to say."

The woman, who had just come back from work, took off her hair tie and took her shirt out of her pants.

"Why are you mad at me? You didn't call at 8:08 p.m."

"I was busy with work. I must have forgot."

"Did you forgot?!"

I raised my voice, forgetting myself.

RHYTHM Part 2 Where stories live. Discover now