22: brianna

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It had been a week, Brianna was getting so much footage for the documentary, and her and Paige were closer than ever. They would walk with each other to classes, hang out before and after practice, go out to eat, and more.

"Girls, on Saturday morning I want you all here, including you Brianna" Geno said looking over at Brianna with a smile growing on his face before continuing, " because we will be holding a cake sale outside this building. I expect all of you to be sat at a table selling all these baked goods" he paused, "that you will be baking ready for Saturday. It's for charity so I don't want to hear any excuses on why you couldn't bake something, but try make it edible for others. Well done, practice is over. You are free to go." He said whilst walking off.

After they got the news the group burst out into conversation trying to plan on what each of them were going to bake. Paige and Brianna made eye contact across the court, knowing exactly what both of them were thinking. Brianna stands up and walks over to the team, "Paige what are you gonna make?" Ashlynn asked, "me and Bria over here are making our famous brownies, we used to make them all the time for my dad back home, him and drew loved them. And when we went to visit my mom, she made us make 2 extra batches so that she still had brownies left once we were gone." The blonde said as she pulled Brianna in, wrapping her arm around Brianna's shoulders. The two girls smiled, reminiscing on the memory. "Ok if they're as good as you are hyping them up to be, make two batches, one for the sale and one for the team." Jana explained. "Bet" Paige returned.

All the girls were organising the times that they would bake, they shared one kitchen between them so they had to get creative with it. But Brianna and Paige decided that they would go to Brianna's instead to escape the chaos. Both Paige and Brianna had classes on Friday, so they decided they would begin baking Friday night, going to target beforehand to buy all the ingredients. Both girls were excited. They were really beginning to become close again, but Brianna wanted more. So did Paige.

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