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It was an exciting day—Tony had been talking about going to the zoo all week. Peter Parker, as his caregiver, had been counting down the days with him, showing him pictures of animals and reading books about lions and elephants before bed. Tony, in his little headspace, was only three years old, and the idea of seeing real animals up close made him wiggle with excitement.

As they arrived at the zoo, Tony's eyes were wide, scanning everything from the tall entrance gate to the giant map with animal pictures. He tugged on Peter's hand eagerly, bouncing on his toes.

"P'eer, we go see lions first, right?" Tony asked, his voice full of anticipation.

Peter chuckled, ruffling Tony's hair. "Yep, buddy. Lions first. Then we can see the giraffes, elephants, and all your other favorites."

Tony grinned up at him, his little body practically vibrating with excitement. Peter paid for the tickets and led Tony inside, holding his hand tightly. The zoo was bustling, with families and kids running around, pointing at the animals. At first, Tony was captivated by the energy, skipping along next to Peter as they made their way toward the lion exhibit.

But as they got closer to the crowd surrounding the lions, Tony started to slow down. The noise of kids shouting, adults chatting loudly, and the general chaos of a busy zoo started to overwhelm him. His grip on Peter's hand tightened, and he edged closer to Peter's side.

"P'eer, it's loud," Tony said, his excitement dimming as his brows furrowed in discomfort. His voice was small, and Peter could see the shift happening—Tony was retreating further into his little headspace, and not in a fun way.

Peter knelt down to Tony's level, his voice soft and reassuring. "Hey, it's okay, buddy. There's a lot of people here, but I've got you. How about we take a little break and find a quieter spot? We can come back to the lions later when it's not so crowded."

Tony nodded, his lower lip trembling slightly. "I wanna see animals, but not so many people."

Peter smiled gently. "I know, kiddo. We'll still see the animals, but we'll find a quieter place, okay?" He wrapped an arm around Tony's small shoulders, leading him away from the crowd.

They found a quieter path through the zoo, where fewer people wandered. Tony clung tightly to Peter's hand, but his face was starting to relax as they left the noise behind. Eventually, they found a quieter exhibit with small animals—otters swimming playfully in a tank of water. The calming splashes and soft chattering of the otters seemed to lift Tony's spirits.

Peter lifted Tony up so he could get a better view of the otters swimming and playing. "Look at them, Tony. They're having so much fun in the water."

Tony's face lit up again as he watched the otters zoom around the tank. "Otters! They're so fast, P'eer!"

Peter grinned, happy to see Tony feeling more comfortable. "Yeah, they are. They look like they're having a blast, huh?"

Tony nodded enthusiastically, pressing his little hands against the glass. He stayed there for a while, watching the otters until he finally relaxed completely. When they left the otter exhibit, the rest of the zoo visit was a lot smoother. Peter kept them away from the busiest areas, and Tony held his hand the entire time, feeling safe and grounded.

They saw the giraffes next, then the elephants, and finally circled back to the lion exhibit when it was quieter. Tony was thrilled to see the lions lounging lazily under a tree, pointing excitedly at them while Peter lifted him up to get a better view.

"Look! The lions are sleeping!" Tony said, giggling as one of the lions yawned lazily.

Peter smiled, relieved that Tony had enjoyed the day despite the earlier overwhelm. "Yeah, looks like they're having a nap. Maybe we should take a nap later, too."

Tony wrinkled his nose, shaking his head. "No naps! Just more animals!"

Peter laughed softly. "We'll see about that."

As they made their way to the zoo exit, Tony, though still buzzing with excitement, was clearly starting to get tired. His little legs slowed down, and Peter eventually scooped him up into his arms. Tony rested his head on Peter's shoulder, yawning despite his protests about naps.

"Did you have fun today, buddy?" Peter asked, bouncing Tony lightly in his arms as they walked.

Tony nodded sleepily, his arms wrapped around Peter's neck. "Yeah. I like animals. You're the bestest, P'eer."

Peter's heart swelled at Tony's words. "I'm glad you had fun, Tony. We'll come back soon, okay?"

"Okay," Tony mumbled, his eyes fluttering closed as they reached the car.

Peter smiled, carefully settling Tony into his car seat. The little one was fast asleep before Peter had even started driving, his hand still clutching the tiny stuffed lion Peter had bought for him at the gift shop.

It had been a long day, but Peter couldn't help but feel proud of how well Tony had handled it all. Even when things got overwhelming, Tony had trusted him to make things better. As he drove home, Peter glanced back at Tony, sleeping soundly in the backseat, and smiled softly.

"Good job, little guy," he whispered.

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