Chapter ten

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(Amelia's Pov.)

I wake up feeling horrible. my head hurts, my stomach hurts and I feel like I'm going to throw up. I sit up and instantly regret it. I get up and run to the bathroom that's in the hall, I bend over the toilet and throw up. I feel someone holding my hair. I assume it's Harry because Niall is usually asleep at this hour of the morning.

"It's okay, sweetie." Harry says.

After I'm done he hands me a wet washcloth. I take it and wipe my mouth off and flush the toilet. I brush my teeth real quick then walk over to Harry.

"How're you feeling?" He asks.

"Better, but still bad." I say.

I walk back into my room and Harry follows me. I lay back down and Harry sits down beside me, rubbing my head.

"I'm going to go back in my room, okay?" He says and I nod.

/ / / / / /

(Harry's Pov.)

I walk out into the hall and leave Amelia's door cracked. I walk into my room and shut the door. I sit down on my bed and pull out my laptop,  logging into twitter and start typing a tweet.

I'm about to do a Q&A on here so tweet me some questions! Xx

I post it and in a few minutes I start getting notifications.

@Harry_Styles Does Amelia have a twitter?
@Sarah_LovesHaz Not yet. maybe when she gets a bit older.Xx

@Harry_Styles How is Amelia doing after the interview? I love you<3

@Harrys_BabyMama She's doing good, a bit sick though. All the love Xx

I answer a few more questions, mostly about Amelia. I log out of twitter and put my laptop on the night stand. I turn on the TV and flip through the channels until I find E! News. They're talking about how I'm "Dating" Taylor Swifts best friend, which is not true. I turn the sound down and roll over onto my side.

/ / / / /

(Niall's Pov)

I get up off my bed and make my way into the kitchen and pour myself a bowl of cereal.

Where is everyone? Its 12:30. After I finish my cereal I go outside and go for a jog, passing a few paps on my way.

/ / / / /

(Harry's Pov)

I'm almost asleep when I hear someone knocking on my door.

"Dad, can I come in?" I hear Amelia ask.

Did she just call me Dad? I think my heart just melted! What is  Niall gonna think?

"Dad?" She asks again.

"Of course, sweetie!" I say and she comes in and climbs up on my bed.

"How're you feeling now?" I ask.

"My head hurts." she says.

She cuddles into my side. I put my arm around her and she soon falls asleep.

I turn the sound on the TV up a little, not to loud so It doesn't wake her up. I lie there for a while, watching tv and checking twitter on my phone.

/ / / / /

(Niall's Pov)

I jog back to the house and go up to the bathroom and take a quick shower. when I get out I get dressed in some grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt. I walk into Harry's room and see Lia asleep on Harry's chest. Harry is so caught up in the show he's watching, he doesn't even notice I'm in here. I shake my head, laughing at him. I walk back downstairs and turn on some music while I go on twitter on my laptop.

/ / / / /

(Amelia's Pov)

I slowly open my eyes and see my dad, that sounds weird saying that, asleep next to me. I look over at the clock, 1:30 it read. I roll over to him and shake his shoulder.

"Dad!" I say in his ear.

"Hm?" He says, opening his eyes.

"I'm bored!" I say.

"Alright, c'mon." he says, laughing.

He gets up and I follow. we walk downstairs and see Niall listening to some music and apparently doing a twitcam, I think it's called. Emily used to do them.

"Look who's up!" Niall says, pointing to us.

"Amelia was sick this morning so we took a nap." Harry says.

"Lia, come here, love." Niall says and I walk over to him.

I sit down next to Niall and wave.

"Sarah wants to know what your favourite colour is?" Niall asks, reading a comment.

"Green and Pink." I say, shyly.

"When is your birthday?" Harry asks, reading another comment.

"February second." I say.

I answer a few more questions, then I go upstairs and take a quick shower and throw on some jeans, a loose black and white striped shirt and some black vans.

Hey guyies!! Okay, this chapter sucked toes tbh, BUT IMMA UPDATE AGAIN IN A LITTLE WHILE!!! So until then I will just return to my spot under your bed. xXx

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