Chapter 17

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(Amelia's Pov.)

"LiLi, wake up! It's your birthday!" I hear Niall say.

I open my eyes and see Niall and Harry sitting beside me on my bed.

"I'm up!" I say, making then laugh.

"Happy Birthday!" They shout.

"Thank you!" I say.

"Go get dressed, love! We've got a surprise for you." Harry says.

"Okay." I say, smiling.

They walk out of my bedroom and close the door. I get up and walk into the bathroom to take a shower.

/ / / / /

(Niall's Pov.)

I sit down beside Harry on the back porch swing. Our parents, the lads and their girlfriends and some of Amelia's friends are sitting in the backyard with us waiting to surprise Amelia.

"Niall, will you go into the living room and wait for Amelia?" Harry asks and I nod.

/ / / / /

(Amelia's Pov.)

I pull on some faded, dark jean shorts, a white loose tank top that has lace straps and some red vans. I put my hair up into a ponytail and leave a few strands of hair out on the side of my face. I walk out of the bathroom and go downstairs. I turn the corner and walk into the living room. The only person in there is Ni. He gets up and walks over to me and tells me to follow him to the backyard. When we get out there, theres a bunch of people and it's decorated with pink, black and green balloons. There's streamers everywhere too. I walk out to where everyone is and they all hug me.

"Happy Birthday!" Everyone shouts.

"Thank you!" I say smiling.

Dad walks over to me and hugs me then Ni hugs me.

After awhile of talking and laughing with everyone, dad stands up and asks if i wanna open presents. Of course I said yes.

He hands me one with a pink bow on it. "From, Sophia" my dad says. I unwrap it, revealing a t-shirt with "Mrs. Clifford" on the front of it. I smile and get up to hug Sophia. I thank her and open a few more.

I ended up getting a few more band shirts and Louis got me a galaxy Adidas jumper. I thank everyone and put my gifts up real quick. I go back outside and my dad and Ni have a really weird look on their faces.

"What?" I ask, laughing.

"You have one more present!" Ni says and hands me a pink envelope.

"From Dad and Ni Xx" it says on the front if it. I look at them suspiciously before opening it. I open the card that's inside. "You've made us so much more happy since you've came into our lives. Love H and N Xx" the card says. There's a piece of paper folded in the envelope. I take it out and unfold it, it says "5sos" and that's all I have to read to know what it is. I think I'm gonna cry oh my god! I-I can't believe it..
I look up at dad and Ni. I get up and hug them, trying to hold back my tears. I finally get to see my heros. "Thank you guys so much. I love you!" I say, hugging them.

When I let go I they're pointing behind me. I turn around and see Jessy, Karla and Sara holding tickets too. Oh my god! I look back at dad and Ni with wide eyes and they're sitting there smiling. They know they're killing me.


After everyone went home i tried to help clean the backyard up, but Dad insisted I let them do it since it's my birthday but I help them anyways.

After we're done we go inside. Niall goes over to the couch and Harry goes into the kitchen. I go upstairs and put my ticket up in my little wooden box that Liam got me. It has my Name on it. That's where I keep things that I don't want to get hurt. I put the box back on my nightstand and go back downstairs. Harry's sitting on the couch beside Niall. I walk over and sit between them.

"Hey, birthday girl!" Ni says.

"Hey, Ni!" I say, mocking him.

"Thanks for everything. I love you guys so much." I say again, hugging both of them.

"We love you more, and you're welcome, princess." Ni says and hugs me.

I scoot closer to Harry and cuddle into his chest with my feet in Niall's lap. Harry wraps his arm around my shoulder and I feel my eyes getting heavy and after a few minutes I can't keep them open anymore.

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