Chapter 41

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(Amelia's POV.)

Todays the day. I'm gonna talk to Blake. I wanna get to know her, but I'm scared. What if she thinks im weird? What if she ignores me?

Screw it. Im just gonna do it.


I walk through the school doors, head held high and ready to make my move. Im gonna flirt without flirting. Smooth, but effective. By the end of the day, I'll be friends with Blake.

I make my way to my first class, nervously. Blake's in it. I take a deep breath before going in. Once in, i find my seat and put down all my stuff.

It's go time.

I see Blake walk in with her group of friends, all much, much older than me. They're all mostly guys. I sigh, there's no way i can talk to her with all of them around. They're total jackasses. They'll just make fun of me.

But before my head can tell my mouth to shut the hell up, i blurt out, "Hey, Blake!" She looks back at me, her eyes meeting mine and slowly trailing my body. A disgusted look is all i see as she turns and walks away and all i hear is her and her friends laughing.

My. Heart. Sinks.

I knew this would happen. I shake my head, feeling the tears start to well up in my eyes. I just get up from my seat and run out the door. Not even looking back at all the staring people.

I don't wanna be here. I have to leave.

That was hands down the most embarrassing thing ive ever done. Im such an idiot.

I hate myself.

I run to the bathroom and lock myself in a stall. All i can do is cry. All my emotions are overwhelmed and i can't control it.

After what seems like hours, but was only a few minutes, i get up and brush myself off.

Im leaving...

Amelia Storan | Narry's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now