chapter 40

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(Amelia's POV.)

To be honest... I like this girl. She's beyond gorgeous and she's super cute. Her sense of humor is amazing. I just... I have trouble talking to her. Every time i try, i stutter. Or i say something really stupid. I just know she doesn't like me back... What's the odds... I'm just so confused right now. Hell, i don't even know if im gay or straight. I could be Bisexual. I don't know. I'm scared. I don't wanna be judged for... Whatever i am. I know i shouldn't care, i mean i have two gay dads, but I'm just scared of the judgment. That's all. Annabeth keeps asking me what's wrong, but i can't tell her. Not yet anyway.

Her name is Blake. She's 15, just a year older than me! I really really like her.

"What ya thinkin' about princess?" My thoughts are interrupted by Niall.

I smile, "Nothin' much Ni..."

"Dinners ready." Niall says, giving me a sympathetic look before walking out of my room.

I grab my phone from my nightstand and follow him.

Once I'm downstairs, i see my favorite meal laid out on the dining room table. I instantly feel better. Im a lot like Niall when it comes to food. It always cheers me up.  

I go over and grab a plate of food, sit down beside Annabeth and begin to dig in. Its so good. I mean, of course it is, Harry made it. He's such a good cook, i swear. 


After dinner i go back to my room and play on my phone for a while trying to get my mind off of that girl. Even while i was eating dinner, she's all i could think about. I don't know what to do.

I hear a knock on my door. "Come in!" I shout, causing the person behind the door to open it.

Its Annabeth. She comes in and sits down beside me, giving me that serious look. I sigh... "Its nothing, Anna." I say, not looking up from my phone.

"Amelia... Tell me." She says, aggravation present in her voice.

"Its nothing! Not leave it alone please!" I shout.

"Fine." She says, rolling her eyes.

"Sorry..." I apologise.

"Its alright, i just wish you would tell me. Im worried." She says, looking down.

"There's this.... Person that i sort of... Have a crush on." I admit, hesitantly.

"Tell me about them." She demands, smiling ear to ear.

"They're cute. Like REALLY cute. They have brown hair and blue eyes. They're really funny..." I say, refusing to use pronouns.

"That's awesome Li! What's their name?" She asks, causing my heart to skip a beat?

What do i tell her? Do i lie?? I don't want to.

"Blake." I say, hoping she won't know who it is. Or at least that its a girl.

"Ooh, do i know him?" She asks.

Oh, thank God.

"I don't think so." I lie.

After a few more minutes of talking, we say our good night's and head to bed.


Hey guys, wow another update??? Lol. Im really trying to bring this book back. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.


Amelia Storan | Narry's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now