Chapter 20

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(Amelia's Pov)

"Amelia, wake up!" I hear someone say, but I don't bother opening my eyes. I mean, it's Saturday and I already know it's too early to be up.

"Lia babe, wake up!" I hear someone say again. Wait, is that Liam? Why is Liam here? Oh god! Last time I didn't wake up when Liam told me to, he got a cup of water and splashed it over me.

"Okay, I'll be right back with some water." Liam says and I feel my bed shift.

"I'm up! I'm up!" I shout and Liam busts out laughing.

"Are you sure?" He says, walking closer.

"Positive!" I say and get up.

Liam walks out and goes downstairs and I follow, still wearing my light grey sweatpants and white tank top. I follow Liam into the living room where i see Louis sitting on the couch. I don't see my dads anywhere though.

"Wheres Ni and dad?" I ask Liam.

"They went to the studio a few hours ago, but they said to tell you that they were going to wake you up and tell you, but they didn't want to wake you up so early on a Saturday." Liam says.

"Oh, okay." I say and sit down beside Louis.

"What's up, babe?!" Louis says and wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"Eh, what's up with you, Lou?" I ask, laughing at the last part because it rhymed. Wow I'm an idiot.

"Haha, nothing." He says, laughing.

I hear Liam come back into the room and sit down next to Louis and me.

"What movie shall we watch?" Louis asked.

"The visit?" Liam asks.

"Yeah, Louis can we?" I ask.

"Well it's fine by me!" Louis says.

Liam walks over and puts the movie in and sits back down. Louis got up and went into the kitchen and came back out with some popcorn and m&ms. Liam skips through the previews and soon the movie starts playing.

/ / / / /

(Harry's Pov)

I've been thinking this over for awhile now, my feelings for Niall. I've known him for a long time and I've always felt this...this connection to him, if that makes since. I have to do something before someone else gets him.


I finish up my first solo, pretty well if I might add. Niall's sitting behind the glass watching me. "Good!" Jace says, giving me a thumbs up. I walk out of the small room and make my way over to Niall.

"You guys can leave now if you'd like. You did good today." Jace says and we thank him then make our way to my car.

"Hey, Niall?" I ask while getting into the drivers seat.

"Yeah?" Niall asks back while getting in on the passenger side.

"W-Wanna have dinner with me tonight, J-Just us?" I ask, nervously.

"I-uh, I w-would love to." He stutters.

"Great!" I say happily and pull out of the driveway.


We pull up at our house and get out. As we walk up to the door I hear loud screams. I get out my key and unlock the door as fast as I can. Once it's unlocked I bust the door open and run into the living room, Niall right behind me. When we get in there I see Liam, Amelia and Louis sitting on the couch watching some movie. They didn't hear us come in so I sneak up behind them and watch the movie for a minute. After realizing what movie it is, I look over at Niall who is too into the movie he doesn't even notice I'm looking at him.

Amelia Storan | Narry's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now