Chapter 36

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(AnnaBeth's POV.)

December 25th, 2016.

I wake up to the sound of laughing coming from downstairs. I stir around for a minute before I open my eyes. The sunlight shinning in my room.

I get up and walk over to my bedroom door. I open it and look around the corner. No sign of anyone. I walk over to Amelia's room and knock on her door.

"Come in!" A sleepy voice says.

I open her door and see shes still lying in bed. I walk over and shake her a bit.

"Amelia, its Christmas!" Once I say that, her eyes open and she pops up from bed.

"I forgot!" She says, making me laugh.

She goes and opens her bed side table and pulls out the picture that her and I have been working on. We wanna give it to Niall and Harry for Christmas. Since we didn't really have money, we decided to make them something special. Its birds flying over a city. We kind of just started drawing one day and it just became a big city with a bunch of birds. It looks pretty realistic if you ask me.

She put it into a frame and we wrapped it. We even put a bow on it.

/ / / / /

(Amelia's Pov.)

I go to my closet and get out some clothes to wear. I slip on some dark skinny jeans, a white knitted sweater that Harry got me a few weeks ago. It matches one that he has. I just keep my socks on for now. I pull my long curly hair up into a high ponytail. I dab some concealer under my eyes and blend it out. Good to go!

I walk over to AnnaBeth's room and know on her door. When she answers, I see that shes wearing black skinny jeans, a flowy red sweater and she also just has sock on. Her hair is up like mine, but she has a few strands hanging around the side of her face.

I grab our present from my bed and we walk downstairs. I see Harry dressed in black skinny jeans obviously. A black button up shirt left unbuttoned a little so you can see his chest and his brown boots. Niall is wearing dark skinny jeans, a white button up shirt and black boots.

They're standing at the kitchen counter talking. I walk over and hug Niall from behind, burying my face into his shirt. I feel him giggle then he turns around. I look over and see Harry and AnnaBeth hugging. Awe, someone is getting comfortable!

"You two ready to open presents?" Harry asks and we both nod excitedly.

We all walk into the living room and Niall tells us to sit down in front of the  couches. Once we do, Harry hands us five presents each.

I get the okay to open one of mine and I do. As soon as I rip the paper off, I see the its the two Twenty One Pilots CD's that I've been wanting. I gasp.

"Thank you!" I say happily as I hug my CD's.

AnnaBeth opens one of hers and immediately gasps. She got Beats Earphones. I'm so glad because shes been using mine since she got here.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you!" She tell them, smiling.

They tell us to open the two small ones together. Oh my, what have they done?

We both open the two little boxes and what's inside nearly makes me scream. Meghan Trainor concert tickets for the summer.

We both get up and hug them and thank them, still freaking out a little. We both really like Meghan Trainor. We listen to her on repeat when we do our homework sometimes.

We open the last few, which are gift cards to some of our favorite places. AnnaBeth also got the same phone that I got and I got a new pair of Adidas, since my old ones got paint all over them. Oops.

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