Chapter 28

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(Harry's Pov.)

I've been thinking about what Amelia told us yesterday, about those girls. I wish Niall and I would've told her sooner. I mean.. In a way, I thought she knew, but I guess since Niall and I didn't really kiss that much in front of her or really act like a proper couple, she probably just thought we were close friends. Very, close friends.
I've also been thinking more into the idea of getting Amelia a phone. I still think she really needs one, but I just have to talk to Niall about it. I'm not quite sure how I'm going to talk him into it.

The clock sitting on my nightstand starts going off. I set an alarm last night to wake me up, but I some how managed to wake up five minutes before it went off. Great.

I get up from my bed and make my way downstairs. Since Amelia doesn't go back to school for two weeks, I'll just let her sleep in.
I go into the kitchen and wash the few dishes that are sitting in the sink. After I'm done, I put them away and go into the living room. There isn't much of a mess in there though. Just a few pens, markers and a notebook that Amelia was using last night.
I pick them up and take them back to the little desk we have in the corner of the living room.
We we really need an office room..

I walk upstairs and knock on Niall's door, but he doesn't answer. I crack the door open a little and see he's still asleep.
I walk over and sit down on the edge of his bed, shaking him a little.

"Niall, wake up!" I whisper in his ear.

He just covers his face with the sheets. I shake my head, pulling them away from him. He looks up at me and smiles.

"Kiss me." Niall says, puckering his lips.

I lean down and peck his lips. "Now, get up!" I say, jumping up from his bed and walking out of his door.

I walk downstairs, into the living room and plop down on the couch. I grab the remote and turn on the TV, flipping through the channels. I stop on some documentary about cars. Interesting.

I hear footsteps coming up behind me so I turn around and see Niall. He sits down beside me and cuddles into my side, which only causes butterflies to erupt in my stomach, he still make me nervous.

/ / / / /

(Amelia's Pov.)

I'm not sure what woke me up, but I can't fall back asleep. I roll over onto my right side, facing my bedroom door. I just lie here, listening for a sign that someone else is awake too. I don't hear anything though.

I get up from my bed and go over to the door, opening it and sticking my head out. My dads bedroom doors are open. They must be up! I walk past both of their rooms and see that they're not in them. I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. Nobody. I hear the TV in the living room on so I go in and see Niall and Harry sitting on the couch, cuddling. Awe!

They must've heard me walk in cause they both turn around and look at me. "Hey, sweetie!" Niall says.

"Hi!" I say, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Come here." Harry says, scooting away from Niall a little and patting the spot between them.

I walk over and sit down. Niall rests his head on my shoulder and Harry has his right arm rested behind my head on the back of the couch. I cuddle into Harry's side and turn my attention to the TV.

/ /

I must've fallen for awhile 'cause Niall isn't sitting beside us anymore, but Harry is asleep with his head down. I get up from the couch, carefully not to wake him and walk into the kitchen. I get a yoghurt out of the fridge, grabbing a spoon out of the drawer beside the fridge and sit down at the counter and begin to eat my yoghurt.

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