Chapter 43

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(Harrys Pov)

It has now been a year without Amelia... We've looked everywhere, done everything, been on all the talk shows and news reports. We've done every we could and we still haven't found her. We miss her desperately. Every day is like a new hell for us. I barely eat, barely sleep. Niall has been drinking non-stop. Annabeth is in therapy now for her depression. Our parents have been very supportive and helpful through this all. Posting and putting up pictures everywhere asking for some possible lead as to where she could be. The fans have been incredibly helpful as well. But it seems like nothing is working.

I will never give up.

I walk over to Niall who is asleep on the couch, well... Rather passed out on the couch. He drank heavily last night. Again. The only time he doesn't drink is when we're out looking for her or we're an interview for her for a tv show. Annabeth usually stays with our mom up in England, she already tried going out by herself once to look for Amelia, but thankfully we caught her. We can't lose her too.

I feel tears begin streaming down my face, for the third time today. I've cried myself to sleep every single night because of this. I miss her so much.

I just want my baby girl back.

I and Niall fight more than we did before this all happened. It's upsetting. But no one is to blame for it, but ourselves.

"Niall, baby... Wake up." I say softly.

"Hm?" He asks.

"Its time for you to wake up." I kiss his cheek.

He sits up and stares into space, looking absolutely dead inside. He looks miserable.

Almost as much as i probably do.

I walk over to the kitchen and grab a drink, but my mind takes over.

I can't even imagine what's happening to my baby right now. Who's got her? Is she being fed at the very least?

I can't deal with this anymore.

I break down, dropping to my knees and begin to cry.

"I need my baby..."  I whisper

I feel Niall's arms wrap around me, hugging me tightly. "Shh, it's all gonna be okay." He whispers softly.

I can't help but let it all out.

(Niall's Pov)

It hurts seeing Harry like this. It also hurts not having my baby here with me. I miss her so fucking much. Words truly cannot explain the amount of pain im in not knowing where she is.

"We're gonna find her, Harry. I promise." I tell him, kissing his head.

I help him up from the floor before i pour him a glass of water. "Here, my love."

I've spent countless hours racking my brain trying to figure out where she could be. Telling myself she's okay, but that's getting harder and harder to believe as the days go on.

I grab my phone from my back pocket and start scrolling through twitter, looking to see if the fans may have found anything or thought of anything. Like always though, there's nothing.

I check Facebook, nothing.

Instagram, nothing.

My texts, nothing.

I feel a sense of dread as time passes. That's nothing new though.

I honestly don't know what to do anymore. I need her here with me.

Tears threaten to spill from my eyes, but i won't allow it. I have to be strong for Harry. He needs me.

I know one day, we will find her. I have to, she's my child. She's my baby and i can't imagine my life without her.

I can't help it, i let the tears fall. Letting it all out as i hug harry again, this time much tighter.

Harry sighs in-between cries. "What if we never see her again, Niall!" He asks sadly.

"We will, Harry. Just give it time." I say, kissing his head.


ust as i release him from my arms, his phone rings, causing him to jump.

"H-Hello?" He says as he answers it.

I listen intently to his conversation.

"Yes, it is..."

"Uh huh..."

"Of course."

"Goodbye." He hangs his phone up, sliding it back into his pocket.

"Who was that!?" I ask impatiently.

"The police station wanting to confirm our current address." He sighs.

"Oh...." I feel my heart drop a little...

I had hope of a possible lead, but there's none...

I start to feel my knees go weak and the lump in my throat begin to grow.

Will we ever find her?

Hey guys, so last chapter in this book...  BUT don't worry. There will be a second book coming soon. I want a chance to start fresh and really show you guys how far my writing as become since i started this book.

But anyways,

It'll be published soon, within the next week or so probably!!

Thank you guys for all the votes and reads. It truly means a lot to me!

Love you! 😊💖

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