Chapter 25

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(Amelia's Pov.)

"How'd you like Simon?" Liam asks.

"He's nicer than I though he'd be." I laughed.

I was suppose to meet Simon yesterday, but the boys told him that I didn't feel well so.. I met him today. My leg doesn't hurt too bad, but it just feels weird. Harry and Niall are out with Louis, so it's just me and Liam at the house. We've already watched like two movies.

"Amelia, do you wanna bake some cake?" Liam asks.

"Sure!"  I happily answer.

We both get up from the couch and walk into the kitchen. Liam pulls a barstool up to the kitchen counter for me then gets the ingredients out of the cupboards and fridge. He sits them down on the counter and we begin mixing everything.

"Hey!" I say, laughing as Liam flicks some flour at me. I pick up the spoon and copy him, making him laugh and duck out of the way, which makes the flour miss him and go all over the wall behind him. Oops..

After our little flour fight, Liam puts the cake batter in the oven while I clean the flour off of my face. I sit down and Liam walks over and sits down next to me at the counter. "Hey, Amelia.." He says, dragging out my name. Oh my, this can't be good.. "Yes..?" I ask.
He looks at me for a second with a creepy smile on his face then suddenly two arms wrap around my waist and I feel myself being lifted from my seat. "Ahh!" I laugh. The next thing I know, I'm on the couch in the living room and Louis is sitting next to me, laughing. "Weirdo." I say, shaking my head and he just laughs. " You should have seen your face!" I hear Liam say, laughing behind me then he plops down beside me. "Oh, hush!" I say, laughing and shaking my head.

After a few minutes, Niall sits down in between Liam and I and kisses my cheek. "Hey, princess!" He says smiling. "Hey, Dad!" I say, mocking his voice. We all just sit there and watch some random soccer game that's on the tv. Louis, occasionally cussing at the tv, which cause Niall to hit him on the arm and give him a stern look. I'm knocked out of my thoughts by Harry walking in front of the tv. He looks kind of angry. "Who got flour all over the kitchen wall?!" Harry exclaimed. Oops...

"Um.. Amelia did it!" Liam says, pointing at me like a kid. Uh, excuse you Liam.

"Well, Liam moved!" I say, causing Niall and Louis to burst out laughing while Liam sits there still pointing at me with a look that a five year old would have if they were getting in trouble, and Harry just stood in front of us with his arms crossed over his chest, shaking his head.

"Liam, Go clean it up!" Harry says, with one hand on his hip and the other pointing to the kitchen.

"But-" Liam starts but Harry cuts him off. "No buts. Go!" Harry says and Liam gets up and walks to the kitchen with his head down.  Haha.

Harry walks over and sits down beside me on the arm of the couch. I lean into his side and continue watching the boring game on tv.  "Amelia?" Harry asks, looking down at me. "Yeah?" I ask, looking up at him and he looks worried. "Whats wrong?" He asks. I just shake my head and giggle. "Nothings wrong." I tell him. He just nods and turns his attention to the game.
A few mintues, Liam comes back and sits down in the big chair beside the couch, acting like he just got done cleaning up the biggest mess in the world. I just laugh and walk over to him, sitting down in the small space left in the chair. "It'll be okay, LiLi.." I say, hugging him and trying not to laugh.

Sorry this is a shorter chapter, I'll try to make a longer one soon though! By the way, THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH FOR 1.8K VIEWS! AHHH! You guys are the cooliest!
Also, if yall want to, can you maybe check out my other story called, "The Styles' | H.S" Please?
Byyeee for now! xXx

Amelia Storan | Narry's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now