Chapter 22

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(Amelia's Pov.)

I wake up to the sound of someone moving around on my bed. I turn around and see Harry laying beside me with his back facing me, scrolling through his phone. I guess he felt me moving so he turns around, now facing me.

"Good morning!" He says, cheerfully.

"Good morning." I say, not as cheerfully as him.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing, just tired. Why you in here?" I say and giggle.

"I was gonna wake you up to see if you wanted to go for a walk, but you looked tired so i let you sleep." He says.

"Can we still go for a walk?" I ask.

"Course! Get dressed. Its chilly out so wear a jacket." He says and gets up, going out of my room.

I grab some black leggings from my dresser, basic i know. I slip them on and throw on a white, "Walk the moon" shirt. I put on some red vans that Louis got me then head downstairs.

"Jacket?" Harry demands rather than asks.

"Oh yeah.." I say and walk over to the front door and grab one of Nialls jackets and put it on.

"Ready?" Harry asks and i just nod.

We walk out of the house and get on the sidewalk that separates our front yard from the street.
There's a little path that cuts through the woods that we always go on, across the street. Harry takes my hand and we cross the street, heading into the path.

"You get to meet Simon later." Harry says, letting go of my hand.

"Oh..." I nearly whisper.

"What's the matter? Does he scare you or something?" He asks.

"No..." I lie.

"Awe, babes, he's actually not that bad." Harry says laughing.

I just laugh and shake my head at him. We continue walking and talking about random things until we stop at this fallen down tree. Harry walks over and sits down on it and i do the same.

"So, i wanna talk to you about school." Harry says, looking me in the eye.

"Y-Yeah?" I stutter.

"The last two days you've been coming home with red eyes. You always tell us that you're just tired when we ask you whats wrong, but we know that's not true. Please tell me, who's doing this to you?" Harry says calmly.

I can't tell him that Emily is bothering me again. If i do he'll be upset and he might even make me change schools! I know his intentions are nothing but good, but i can't move to a different school. I can't leave all my friends!

"Amelia?" He says and waves if hand in front of my face.

"Sorry. Its true, nothing is wrong!" I say and he just shakes his head.

"Amelia, Dont lie to me! I know there's something wrong." He says, grabbing my shoulders so I'm facing him.

"Dad, nothing is wrong. I've honestly just been tired. Schools just... Hard." I say, hoping he'll believe me. He looks away, clearly not believing a word I'm saying.

"Fine." He says and shakes his head, letting go of my shoulders and standing up.

"Are you mad me?" I ask quietly.

"No." He says bluntly says.

I put my head down and fiddle with my fingers. I hate when he's mad.

"Go home. I'll be there in little bit." He says calmly, but i can tell he's mad.

I stand up and walk off in the direction of our house. I don't like walking in the woods alone. I don't understand, why can't he just believe me and leave it be? I know he's only trying to help, but i can't tell him.

When i finally get back to where the trail starts, i see there's a lot of traffic on the small road that separates the trail and woods from ours and the neighbors houses. Its not usual for there to be this much traffic here.
I decide to stay on the grass until it stops.

After at least two minutes of waiting for all the cars to go by, i hear what sounds like breaks squealing. Like someones trying to stop but can't. I look to my right and see a black car coming straight towards me.
I cant move. Im frozen. Right before impact, i fling my arms in front of my face. Like thats gonna help.


I'm on the concrete now. I'm not sure if what i feel is pain or shock. My eyes are closed, but I'm awake. I hear screaming and someone saying they called for help.

"I-Call Da-Niall." I manage to stutter out.

/ / / / /

(Niall's Pov.)

"Great!" Julian says, giving me a thumbs up.

I'm at the studio right now. Even though we just put out a new album (Buy Made In The A.M) i have a song that I've been working on for myself.

I hear my phone ringing so i walk over and answer it.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Is this Mr. Horan? Amelia's father?" A man asks.

"I am. Can i ask who this is?" I ask, worried. I thought she was with Harry.

"Sir, There has been an accident. She's been hurt and she wants you." He says.

"Wh-What hospital?!" I shout.

He tells me the hospital and i thank him then hang up. I tell Julian whats going on then run to my car.

I get in and drive as fast as I've ever driven in my life to the hospital. When i get there i get out and start walking inside. On the way, i call Harry.

"Hello?" He answers.

"What room is she in?" I ask frantically.

"Who?!!" He shouts. I just assumed they already called him. I guess not.

"Amelia!" I shout back.

"What are you talking about?!" He asks and i can hear leafs crunching in the background.

"Nevermind. She's at St Mary's. Call when you get here." I say and hang up.

I walk to the desk and ask her about Amelia.

"She's being checked out right now." The lady says.

"Okay." I say and go sit down.

I can't stay still though. I get up and start pacing back and forth.

/ / / / /

(Harry's Pov.)

I start running out of the woods. When i get to the road, i see cops and wreckers cleaning the road up. There's a dented up car being pulled onto the back of the wrecker. I didn't even hear a crash happen. I had earphones in right after Amelia left.

I run across the street and over to our house. I go inside and grab my car keys then get in my car. I drive to the hospital as fast as i can. When i get there, i park and run inside.

I see Niall pacing. I walk over and see his eyes are red.

"What happened?! Where is she?" I asks.

"I dont know! They just said shes been in an accident." He shouts.

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