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Busy. The restaurant was insanely busy. Sophie had practically grown up here, she had been working in the restaurant for the past ten years and she had never seen it this busy. She wasn't even sure it had ever been this busy before Daddy died. But it was busy and crazy and she was getting a complete work out from it. Which was awesome, considering the fact that Derek had made her try his chocolate cake earlier and she had ended up eating four slices.

The article had been amazing for the restaurant. It had been amazing for Derek. She had known for ages he was the best cook, he always had been. But now someone else had recognized it and just when he needed it. She was worried about him, just as much as everyone else was. She just didn't try to bother him as it would drive him mad. But he had needed that. Even if it meant she was going insane at work.

Thankfully there was a lull in her section and she could rest for a second, take a sip of Derek's homemade lemonade. When Mark was here, he usually put a little bit of vodka in it for her, but of course he had to work. Oh well. It was good anyway. She stood by the kitchen doors, poking her head around to look at her customers. Well, one customer in particular.

She had come in about an hour ago looking nervous and excited and Sophie had immediately pegged her for a woman meeting a date. But now she had been sitting there for an hour and she was still alone. She didn't look nervous anymore, she just looked sad. Or maybe not sad, just...Sophie didn't know what it was but she looked a lot like Der had been recently. And she kept staring at her wine glass.

She had asked her a couple times if she was ready to go ahead and order, but each time the customer just shook her head and mumbled something about him showing up. Sophie didn't even feel sorry for her anymore. Just pissed at whatever guy was standing her up. Guys really sucked. Except Derek and Mark...and her brothers-in-law. But every other guy sucked.

She didn't know the customer but she didn't seem like the kind of girl that a guy would stand up. Derek and Mark wouldn't have. No guy should have. The poor girl had looked entirely terrified and now she was just sitting there. She had to do something. She had to help that girl somehow. She walked over to the table yet again. "Do you need anything? Do you want to finally order?"

"What?" the girl looked up, panic in her eyes. "No. I just...I need my date. Well I really don't need him because obviously he's a huge ass because he said dinner at Providence at six and now it's seven and he's obviously not showing up. I don't even know why I'm still here. Except that I'm waxed and plucked and I'm wearing a clean top which is never easy. But he's obviously not coming. But yeah...I just...I need my date. Or a date."

"Need to talk?" Sophie asked, slipping into the seat across from her. She needed to sit anyway and this poor girl definitely needed to talk.


"You seem like you need to talk," Sophie shrugged. "I grew up in a big family, I'm used to knowing when someone needs to talk.

"Oh," the girl breathed. "But you're...I mean...busy. Obviously it's really busy and you probably want me to go so you can have a free table. And I know I should...I have no idea why I'm even still here. And you don't have to...busy."

"Oh don't worry about it. All my tables are eating and the family owned the place, I can't get fired," Sophie smiled. "And you're here because you need to talk."


"Seriously what?"

"Oh just...seriously you want to talk?"

"Yeah," Sophie nodded. "Although can I have a sip of your wine? I could use alcohol tonight. It's crazy. Someone writes one stupid article about my brother being amazing and this is what we get."

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