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"I thought we were here for the orgasmic chef," Cristina groaned for the fifth time since they had gotten to Providence.

"No," Meredith frowned. "We're here for the food, the orgasmic food. And be quiet. This place is full of Shepherds."

"Seriously?" Cristina frowned. "What are they? Spies?"

"Possibly," Meredith nodded.

"Whatever, Mer," Cristina rolled her eyes. "I'm just saying, if I'm missing out on a good surgery because you and Barbie want to drool over the orgasmic chef, I'll kill you and make it look like an accident."

"The food will be worth it," Meredith urged. "I'm serious, when you try the food...it's worth it."

"He's supposed to be the best chef in Seattle," Izzie nodded eagerly. "The bread is amazing anyway."

"I don't know if he actually makes the bread," Meredith giggled.

"You should ask," Izzie grinned. "It's amazing."

"I'll ask Sophie."

"Which one's Sophie?" Izzie asked. "The hostess?"

"Nope, she's a waitress. She's not here. The hostess is Megan."

"Okay, guys," their waitress came over with a tray of food, "here we go. And Nancy says hi, Meredith."

"Oh," Meredith smiled. "Tell her I say hi back."

"You guys enjoy," the waitress grinned. "Let me know when you're ready for dessert."

"We will," Izzie grinned back at the waitress.

"Is dessert the orgasmic chef?" Cristina mumbled as she cut into her steak.

"Cristina!" Meredith hissed.

"Hopefully the dessert is the hot waitress," Alex smirked.

"Can you guys just...behave or something?" Meredith asked.

"Behave?" Cristina raised an eyebrow. "Sorry, Mom."

"They'll behave," Izzie nodded, glaring at Alex quickly.

"Good," Meredith sighed. "Now eat. It's good and amazing and...eat."

"Eating," Izzie smiled, taking a bite of her meal. "Oh wow."

"I told you," Meredith grinned.

"It really is good," George nodded.

"It's fucking amazing," Alex grinned.

"The orgasmic chef can cook," Cristina sighed.

"Cristina!" Meredith hissed just as the door they were sitting close to blew open and Sophie ran in, tears pouring down her cheeks.

"Who's that?" Izzie whispered to Meredith.

"It's Sophie," Meredith murmured, staring as Meg rushed to ask her sister what was the matter.

"What's wrong?" George frowned.

"I don't know," Meredith sighed. Sophie was crying so hard she could barely breathe, and she was completely shaking. Megan frowned as she whispered something to Sophie who nodded quickly before Megan turned and said something to a waiter.

"It doesn't look good," Izzie sighed. "Poor girl."

"She's not usually like that," Meredith frowned.

"The family seems to have it," George nodded, just as the kitchen doors swung open.

He looked entirely exhausted. That was the first thing Meredith noticed when Derek came out of the kitchen, wiping his hands on his apron. His hair was messed up, his face was flushed, and his t-shirt was sticking to his chest. And he looked entirely exhausted. But the second he saw Sophie, his expression entirely softened. "Der," she heard Sophie sob.

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