ANW CHAPTER 5 "Do you have anger issues?"

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ANW CHAPTER 5 "Do you have anger issues?"

The sun has just come up and they are all sitting in a circle. Then Alex comes out of her tent. She sits next to the rest. Zayn and Alex smile at each other.

Jackie whispers: I saw what happened last night.

Jackie giggles looking at Alex. Alex looks at her embarrassed.

Alex: "What?"

Jackie whispers: "You and Zayn."

She pouts her lips. Alex smiles embarrassed.

Alex: "Shut up."

Jackie laughs.

Adrian: "Okay everyone, today Zayn and Jessie are going fishing at the lake and the rest of us are going to do chores here. Jackie and Tyler will do the gardening. Jason and Candice will sort the food. And Alex and I will make this place secure for freaks."

Jessie: "Wait! I don't wanna go fishing. Can't someone else do that?"

Adrian: "We will switch jobs every day so someone else will go fishing next time."

Jessie: "Ugh...fine."

Zayn and Alex hug each other before Zayn goes. Zayn and Jessie are wearing backpacks and leave the place. Everyone waves them goodbye.

Adrian: "Well people, let's get to work."


Tyler and Jackie are in the garden. Jason and Candice are inside sorting food and Adrian and Alex are outside the fence looking at the fence for weak parts. Adrian has his stick and Alex her two knives.

Adrian: "So how are you doing these days?"

Alex: "I'm alright."

Adrian sees a hole in a part of the fence and takes an iron wire to close it.

Adrian: "Are you sure?"

Alex looks annoyed.

Alex: "Yeah. Why do people keep asking me this?"

Adrian: "You remember that you broke a table right?"

Alex: "Yeah so? I was just mad."

Adrian stands up and turns around. Alex sticks her knife in a head of a freak. She pulls it out and the freak falls.

Alex: "Disgusting..."

Adrian: "I understand you were mad but still."

Alex: "I'm fine I'm serious."

Adrian: "Okay."

There is another hole in the fence. Alex crouches to fix it. Adrian looks around for freaks but doesn't see any. He turns around. Alex stands up and holds her head in pain.

Adrian: "Are you okay?"

Alex: "I'm fine just a little headache. Stop worrying."

Adrian: "I'm sorry, you're just acting weird since Zayn and Tyler fought and you broke a table."

Alex: "How would you know if I act weird, you've only known me for a few days."

Alex walks further and Adrian walks after her.

Adrian: "Can you just tell me what's going on with you?"

Alex looks doubting.

Alex: " are kind of the leader so it is maybe better you know. Just please don't tell the others."

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