ANW CHAPTER 6 "This is the worst day of my life."

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ANW CHAPTER 6 "This is the worst day of my life."

A few days passed and everyone is starting to get used to the routines.

It is morning and Alex is laying on the mattress without a blanket and Zayn is laying on the ground with the blanket. Alex wakes up. She sees Zayn and smiles. Alex then walks out of her tent. Everyone looks at her.

Alex: "What?"

Jessie: "Is Zayn in your tent?"

Alex: "Uhm...maybe."

They all giggle.

Alex: "Oh just shut up."

Jason: "Just don't get pregnant."

Alex: "What?! We didn't do anything like that!"

They all still smile and giggle. Adrian stands up.

Adrian: "Okay today, I think we should go fishing again. So Tyler and I are going fishing."

Tyler: "Wait what? I can't go fishing."

Jackie: "Why not?"

Tyler: "I just can't okay."

Jessie: "Tyler it isn't as bad as it sounds."

Adrian: "Everyone has to do every job someday."

Tyler sighs: "Fine..."

Adrian: "Then I think Alex and Zayn could go to the mall to get some stuff so we can build some things. And the others can rest until Alex and Zayn bring the stuff and the rest can start to build this place up a little. How does that sound?"

Candice: "Wait you want to go back to the mall after what happened?"

Jackie and Candice look concerned.

Jackie: "That's too dangerous."

Adrian: "We can't just never go to the mall. There is a lot of useful stuff there and it's really close by."

Candice: "Fine, but be careful Alex."

Alex: "I'm going to be fine and Zayn will also be there."

Adrian: "And also, autumn is beginning in less than 2 months. I know that sounds like a long time, but we need to make this place warmer and weather steady."

Everyone agrees.


Alex goes into her tent. She wakes Zayn up.

Alex: "Zayn, Zayn."

Zayn wakes up.

Zayn: "Good morning beautiful."

Alex smiles.

Alex: "Get up. We have to go to the mall."

Zayn: "You and I?"

Alex: "Yes and no one will come with us."

Zayn sits straight up

Zayn: "Just the two of us?"

Zayn smiles.

Alex: "Yes..."

Zayn looks into Alex's eyes.

Zayn: "That could be fun."

Alex: "Well, don't expect too much. We're there to pick some stuff up."

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