ANW CHAPTER 11 "We can't take some strays with us! "

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ANW CHAPTER 11 "We can't take some strays with us! "

Jessie is looking a few years younger. Jessie is sitting on the couch while FaceTiming a friend. They are talking and laughing. Then the front door of the house closes.
Father: I'm home!
Jessie looks fearful as she hears him.
Jessie: I gotta go bye.
Girl: Wait-
Jessie quickly hangs up and runs into the kitchen. She turns on the oven and starts peeling potatoes. Her father walks into the kitchen.
Father: Hey are you done making food?
Jessie: Almost.

They sit on the dinner table eating.
Father: So how are you grades at school?
Jessie: I've a B+ for English and a C+ for Biology.
Father: And how about Chemistry? You said the test would be hard.
Jessie: I uhm, I'm not sure. They are going to change it probably.
Father: Well, what is it currently?
Jessie: I'm not sure.
Father: Jessie tell me.
Jessie stares at her food looking afraid.
Jessie: It's a D.
They are quiet. Jessie waiting for his answer.
Father: That's not really good, but you still have time to bring it up.
Her father looks relaxed. Jessie looks surprised.
Jessie: Yeah I will work really hard I promise.
Her father smiles at her.
Father: Good.
Jessie smiles back relieved.
Father: But you do know that you need to think about your mistakes right? So let's go.
Jessie's eyes go big.
Jessie: No please. I'm really sorry.
Father: Jessie go. It's not that bad of a punishment. You should be grateful.
Jessie stands up. Her dad put his hand on her back, but Jessie stands still. Her dad looks at her with an annoyed expression. He grabs her arm and takes her to the basement.
Jessie: Please! No...please I'll do better!
They arrive in the basement and her father stands behind her. Jessie turns around.
Jessie: Please I'll learn the whole day and night.
Her father ignores her.
Father: Get in.
There is a closet in the wall. Jessie is tearing up. She goes into the closet and her dad closes the doors. He locks it with a key. Jessie is inside in the dark.
Jessie: Please let me out. Dad!
Jessie is screaming. She pushes against the door. She bangs on the doors and screams.

Then Jessie wakes up. Tears fall from her cheeks and she is hyperventilating. She looks around and notices she is in her tent. Her breathing slows down and she sighs. She gets up and out of her tent. Everyone is sitting by the campfire.
Tyler: Well there she finally is.
Jessie rolls her eyes and stands next to them silently.
Adrian: Today we will go to the hospital. And with we I mean Jason, Tyler, Jessie and I. The rest can just chill here. Any questions?
No one reacts.
Adrian: Okay, then let's pack our bags and go.

Jessie is packing her bag. Adrian walks up to her.
Adrian: Hey.
Jessie: Hey.
Jessie doesn't make eye contact.
Adrian: Are you alright? You seem kinda quiet lately.
Jessie: I'm fine.
Adrian: Okay just making sure. Do you need me to put anything on the list?
Jessie: Why would think that? You think I have a problem or something?
Jessie turns around and looks at him.
Adrian: No no, that's not what I meant.
Jessie walks away from Adrian.

Jason is packing his bag and Tyler comes up to him.
Tyler: Hey.
Jason: Hey.
Tyler: How are you feeling?
Jason: I'm fine.
Tyler: Last night was pretty rough.
Jason: I honestly can't believe I gave her my medicine and now getting her medicine. While she almost fucking-
Jason then looks at Tyler who is looking guilty. Jason stops talking and walks back to the group. Tyler sighs. The group is standing in a circle.
Candice: So you guys are going to get medicine and stuff, is there anything we could do here. Except for "chill here"?
Candice looks at Adrian.
Tyler: Maybe make a list of stuff we need to do?
Candice: Any "good" ideas?
Tyler rolls his eyes.
Adrian: I'm not sure actually. Maybe just clean up a bit, get the leaves out of the yard.
Zayn: That doesn't sound fun.
Adrian: You could also go fishing again.
Zayn looks thinking.
Zayn: Alright, we'll do that.
Jessie: Where is Alex by the way?
Zayn: Still in her tent and I do not think she will come out soon. She is really freaked out about yesterday.
Adrian: Let's go, we wanna be back before it's dark.
Adrian steps in the drivers seat. Jason walks up to his window.
Jason: Can I drive?
Adrian: Why?
Jason: Why not?
Adrian looks doubting.
Adrian: Alright.
Jason gets in the car. Jason sits in the drivers seat and Adrian sits next to him. Tyler gets in the back with Jessie. Tyler and Jessie sit silently with a lot of space between the two. They wave at the others and leave.
Adrian: So how are you?
Jason: I'm fine.
They are silent.
Adrian: Well, that's good.
Jason doesn't react.
Adrian: Did you sleep well?
Jason: I'm fine Adrian, can you just be quiet?
Adrian: I just thought- Never mind.
Jason: No wait, tell me, is it because Alex threatened to kill me with a knife yesterday?
Adrian: Jason, I just wanted to make sure you were fine.
Jason: I am fine Adrian, what else do you want?
Adrian: You just been a little quiet lately.
They are quiet.
Adrian: And you should be careful with Alex. I don't want her to hurt someone.
Jason: And I'm of course the person who would cause that, right? I'm the person who does everything wrong!
Jason looks at Adrian and the car slips of the road.
Adrian: Jason!
Tyler gets shoved against Jessie because of the car. He puts his arm in front of her and holds the side of the car. Jason pushes the brakes and the car spins and randomly stops. Jason's head hits the side of the car. Tyler is still holding the side of the car and looks worried at Jessie.
Tyler: Are you okay?
Jessie turns to the side window of the car.
Jessie: What the fuck is wrong with you?! You could've killed us!
Jason groans and put his hand against his head. Adrian is looking straight in front of them.
Adrian: Get away from the wheel.
Jason: Wait, I'm sorry.
Adrian: Jason get away from the wheel!
Jason gets out of the car. He walks to the other side. Adrian shoves over to the drivers seat.
Jessie: What the fuck Jason, you want us dead or something?
Jason gets in the car and smashes the door. Jessie sighs and crosses her arms. Adrian looks at Jason for a split second and then drives off. Jason looks angry out the window. They drive to the hospital.

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