ANW CHAPTER 14 "Will he be okay?"

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ANW CHAPTER 14 "Will he be okay?"

It's morning. The sun is shining but it's very cold. Alex, Adrian, Jessie, Candice, Ryan, Chris, Ruby and Katy are sitting outside. Everyone is sitting with a sweater and a summer coat on. They all hold their shoulders up to sit warm in their coat. Then Tyler and Jason come out of their tent at the same time. They notices each other at the same time
Tyler: Uhm...good morning.
Jason: Good morning.
They sit down next to the rest. As they speak you can see their warm breath because it's so cold.
Adrian: Alex, could you please get Zayn here? He is late again. And tell him to make it fast.
Alex: Okay.
Alex goes into her tent. Zayn is there sleeping peacefully.
Alex: Zayn. Zayyynnn.
Zayn turns the other way.
Alex shakes Zayn's shoulders.
Alex: Wake up Zayn.
Zayn opens his eyes slightly. He sighs.
Alex: Come on get out of bed.
Zayn: I'll be right there.
Alex: No, Zayn right now. Otherwise you'll just fall asleep again.
Zayn: Yeah sure.
Alex: You are not listening. What is wrong with you lately?
Alex takes down his blanket.
Alex: Now get your ass out of bed.
Zayn: Fine.
Zayn sits straight up. Zayn gets his coat and they both get out of the tent. He is shaking.
Zayn: God it's cold.
They sit down.
Adrian: Okay folks. The plans for today. Some of us will go to the mall to get winter supplies. Tyler, Jason and I are already going, so who else would want to go?
Zayn: Wait, the mall? You want to go to a mall in another town?
Adrian: No the mall in this town.
Zayn: So the mall were we almost got killed like 3 times?
Adrian: I know it's kind of dangerous, but it's been a long time since we've been there so we don't know if the other people still come by there. And if we don't go we'll die because of the cold.
Everyone looks a little worried.
Adrian: So anyone else who would like to go?
Nobody reacts.
Adrian: Come on. The more people the safer.
Jessie: The more that can die.
Jessie and Adrian argue for a bit. While they are arguing, Ryan and Chris talk.
Ryan looks at Chris who is sitting next to him.
Ryan whispers: Should I go?
Chris whispers: No.
Ryan: But I do want to help them out.
Chris: Do you want to die? Don't be an idiot Ryan.
Adrian: Just shut up Jessie.
Jessie: You shut up.
Adrian: I'm here making a plan for today so I have to talk.
Jessie: Fine just hurry up your little speech.
Adrian: So... Anyone who volunteers to come?
Ryan: I'll come.
Everyone looks at Ryan shocked and surprised. Ruby looks mad at Ryan. Chris looks annoyed.
Chris: I'll come too.
Adrian: That's great. So let's pack our stuff.

Ryan is packing his bag. Zayn comes up to him.
Zayn: So yesterday if you remembered, I said that some heavy stuff happened at the mall. And you thought it was a good idea to go?
Ryan: I just want to help out.
Zayn: You don't have to go there to help out. You can also help here.
Ryan: Well, someone has to go right?
Zayn: You don't have to go if you don't want to, but it's your choice.
Zayn walks away. Then Chris comes to Ryan with his backpack.
Chris: We can still say we are not going.
Ryan: I won't, but you can if you want.
Chris: I'm not going to let you go without me. Without me you'll definitely die.
Chris elbowed bumps Ryan and Ryan chuckles. Then Ruby and Katy walks towards them.
Ryan: Oh oh.
Ruby: Why did you thought it be a good idea to go?
Ryan: I just wanted to-
Ruby: You are an idiot you know that.
Ryan: I know.
Ruby: And not even a little bit, a fucking big idiot.
Ryan: I know.
Ruby crosses her arms.
Chris: I'll watch him.
Katy: You both be careful.
Chris: We will be.
Tyler and Jason get their bags ready.
Jason: You know you don't have to go right.
Tyler: Yeah, I know. You know you don't have to go right?
Jason puts his backpack on his back and looks Tyler straight in the face.
Jason: Yeah, I know.
Jason walks away. Tyler sighs and then walks after him. Adrian is also packing his bag. Jessie walks up to him.
Jessie: Hey, you really are going there huh. Well, I hope that your right. That they will not show up.
Adrian: What if I'm wrong? What do I do then?
Jessie looks confused at him.
Jessie: You seemed so confident that everything was going to be fine earlier. And now you are doubting yourself?
Adrian: Yes! Because if we don't go we will probably die in the winter. So I talked confidently so people would want to go.
Jessie looks pitiful at Adrian.
Jessie: Incase something does happen, just try not to get anyone hurt. I believe in you Adrian.
Jessie smiles. Adrian looks a little less worried. Jason comes up to Adrian.
Jason: Adrian could I talk to you? Without Jessie.
Adrian nods. Jessie rolls her eyes and walks away.
Adrian: What is it?
Jason: So you know just incase the other guys show up there, I thought maybe we should bring the gun we have.
Adrian: I'm not sure that's a good idea. And it also has only one bullet.
Jason: No, like we don't have to shoot with it, but just to scare them off or something, you know.
Adrian is thinking.
Adrian: Alright I'll bring it, but don't tell anyone because I don't want them to think we are actually going to kill people or something.
Jason: Okay, I won't.
Adrian goes into his tent he looks in his bag and takes the gun out. Then Candice looks into the tent.
Candice: Adrian are you ready to go?
Adrian quickly puts the gun in his bag.
Adrian: Yeah, I'm ready.
Adrian gets out and goes towards the car. Everyone is already standing there. Jason, Tyler, Ryan and Chris have a backpack on their backs. Adrian then stands next to them. Candice looks a little worried.
Candice: Be careful out there.
Adrian: We will.
They get into the car. Adrian is driving with Ryan and Chris in the front. Jason and Tyler are in the back. Everyone waves at them and they drive off. The car disappears in the distance. They walk back to the campfire. Alex taps Zayn's shoulder and he stops.
Alex: We need to talk.
Alex goes into the building and Zayn follows her. Alex stands against the wall in the opposite direction of the door. Zayn stands next to the door. Alex crosses her arms.
Zayn: What do you want to talk about? Is there something wrong with you? Have you run out of your medication again?
Alex: No, no. It's not that.
She is quiet.
Zayn: Then tell me what's wrong.
Alex: What's been going on with you lately?
Zayn: What do you mean?
Alex: Come on Zayn, you've been acting strange, not like yourself. You stay in bed until someone wakes you up. You are quiet.
Zayn: I don't know what you mean. I'm just tired like everyone here.
Alex: Come on Zayn, I know there is something wrong.
Alex takes a step forward. Zayn leans against the wall and looks at the ceiling.
Alex: Are just going to ignore me?
Zayn looks at Alex. He just keeps staring at her. He walks towards the door. Alex grabs his arm.
Zayn: Let go of me.
Alex: No. You are going to tell me what's wrong, right now.
Zayn: I don't owe you anything! You are not my girlfriend.
Alex loses eye contact for a second and looks sadly at the ground, but then looks angry at Zayn.
Alex: I finally ask how you are doing and don't ask you for anything, and you are just not gonna answer me? This is your last chance.
Zayn looks irritated and scoffs. He tries to make eye contact.
Zayn: You want to know what is wrong?
Alex: Yes!
Zayn sighs and looks at the ground.
Zayn: I have Monophobia.
Alex: A phobia?
Zayn: Yes.
Alex crosses her arms.
Alex: Well, what does it mean?
Zayn: It means that, I'm scared to be alone. Terrified to be honest. I can't bare a second alone. But I'm on my medication now so I feel a lot better. The meds make me tired though, and have some other side effects, but at least I'm not terrified and going crazy.
Alex just looks at him surprised.
Zayn: I'm fine now so you don't need to-
Alex hugs him.
Alex: I'm sorry.
Zayn: For what?
Alex: For making you go alone fishing. And for just being a dick to you.
He hears Alex sniffing.
Zayn: Hey, hey.
Alex is crying. They look at each other right in the eyes.
Zayn: It's okay you didn't know. I still love you Alex.
Alex hugs him again.
Alex: I love you too.
Zayn smiles with his face dug into Alex's hair.

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