Chapter 9: Goodbye

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three weeks later

It was my last few hours in Bristol and i was alone. Me and Jack have spent almost everyday together since then. I say almost because the past week hes been a little distant. It hurts because i feel since I'm leaving we should spend even more time together. Even worse, i cant find my camera anywhere! It's the most expensive item i own and now i guess i lost it. Best. Luck. Ever.

Knock Knock

I walked over to the door and in walked jack. "Hey Jack." I said. "Ive got big news Lanny!" He said with a smile on his face and his hands behind his back. "How would you like to stay here, in Bristol?" I laughed a little. "Jack its called money something i don't have." He smiled and jumped up in the air. "What if it was free?" My smile grew a little. "What are you saying jack?" He then brought his hands to his front to revel my camera. "JACK YOU FOUND MY CAMERA!" I grabbed it from his hands. "Well i took it, for a good reason!" I scrunched up my face. "I submitted you photos to the university and you got a scholarship!" I was speechless. "Jack i...i...thank you!" I threw the camera on the bed and ran and kissed jack, I felt him smile into the kiss. "This means I'm only going home for four months, but i get to come back?" He nodded and pulled me into his chest.

Fuck four months. Ive only known jack a month but i know i didn't want to leave him. We weren't even in a tittled relationship. What the fuck was i going to do? "Love are you ok?" I felt his hand wipe my cheek. I swatted his hand away and walked away and wiped the tears from my face. "I'm fine." I turned and gave him a fake smile. He walked over and put his hands on my hips and brought him self down so we were now eyes level. "Tell me whats wrong." I shook my head no. "You have to tell me." I looked at the clock on the table. "I have to be at the air port in an hour help me load my stuff in your car." He nodded and grabbed a bag and left the room. I had to hold myself together.


We loaded the last bag in and were now headed to the airport. We sat in almost complete silence due to the radio. "Lanny you have to tell me whats wrong. i don't want you leaving like this!" I looked out the window not responding. "Do you not want to come back? is it something i did?" I looked down at my lap "No Jack. I would love nothing more than to come back." He lightly hit the steering wheel. "Then please tell me!" I rolled my eyes. I wanted to tell him that i didn't want to leave, that i wanted to be his girlfriend, that i think him. "Lanny?" I looked at jack he looked frustrated. "Its not important." I looked back out the window.

We pulled up to the air port unloaded my bags and i had to go in and leave. Jack walked over and hugged me, and i broke down. I cried hard and jack just held me in his arms. I pulled away "i don't want to go jack. I don't want to go." I heard him sniff and i looked up, he was starting to cry. "You'll be back soon. We just have to wait a little." I wiped the tear starting to roll down his cheek. "What are we going to do about us?" he pulled me close again. "We will pick up in August where we left off." I felt a tear hit the top of my head. "Jack don't cry it hurts me." I heard him sniff again. "We will call each other, text, and skype right." I nodded and we broke apart. "Jack i...i...i will miss you." He nodded and walked close and kissed me softly on the lips. It tasted like the usual mint but salty from the tears spilling from his eyes.

We reluctantly pulled apart and I looked down and grabbed my bag and started walking away. I looked back and Jack had his hands up to his face not wanting to see me go. I took a deep breath and kept walking. I checked in and went thought security and sat in the waiting area for my plane. it was about an hour and i heard 

flight 345 to Vermont is now boarding

I stood up and slowly walked over to the gate. "LANNY WAIT!" I heard someone shout, it was Jack. I let go of my bag and ran towards him. He cupped my face and looked into my eyes "This is going to sound crazy but i love you." Then he pressed his lips roughly to mine. He broke the kiss and rested his forehead on mine. "I love you, i love you, i love you." I smiled and started to speak. "Jack i..." The ticket lady cut me off. "MAMA YOU HAVE TO GO NOW!" I backed away from jack and ran to the gate. I turned around and mouthed "I love you" I saw his smile and ran onto my plane.

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