Chapter 10: Because it Mattered

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two months later

We promised. We fucking promised. How did it get this bad?

At first me a jack texted and talked everyday, we would even fall asleep on skype together. But now he travels so much i'm lucky to get a text. I sit by the phone all day waiting and waiting only to look stupid when we have a 30 second conversation. Even at the airport was the last time we said i love you. I wanted to say again but i don't know how i feel anymore. I've wasted days and tears on Jack and i see pictures of him and hes so happy, without me and I think that's what hurts the most. He mattered so much to me and all i was to him was girl. 


It was a skype call from JackH, I answered it. "Hey love!" He said smiling at the screen, i kept my head down just waved. "Only two moths left and i get to see you, I'm so excited!" I nodded and lifted my head up. "Lanny have you been crying?" I wiped the tears from my eyes. "Jack this isn't working." He looked confused. "US JACK! US! ITS NOT WORKING!" He leaned back in his chair and rubbed his hands on his face. "What do you mean not working?" I laughed and paused for a moment. "Jack you never call or text. i sit by the phone waiting for YOU! I'm not going to keep waiting for someone who doesn't give a damn about me!" Jack got close to the screen. "I'm sorry I've been busy. I do care about you, i love you." I stood up and walked away and wiped the tears from my face and walked back. "Jack this hurts to much. But i want to forget about me for now. We will be strangers now and see what happens in August." Jack hit the table hard. "NO! NO LANNY DON'T DO THIS!" I looked at the computer and waved and ended the call.

I jumped in my bed and cried. I must have cried for hours because when i looked up and it was night. I walked down stairs to get a glass of water and i ran into my dad. "Sweetie I'm so sorry." I ran and hugged him and cried on his chest. "Daddy i.." He cut me off. "Its ok honey it will all work out." I cried for a little then backed up a bit. "Dad if he ignored me why does it hurt so much." he shoved his hand in his pocket and looked at me "It hurt because it mattered." I nodded and walked back up to my room and cried my self to sleep.

a few days pass

I haven't left my room since then. I was just so hurt i couldn't move. My mom and dad brought me food and water whenever. But i was never hungry all i wanted was Jack.

ring ring

It was my phone. i reached over and piked it up."Hello?" It was quite on the other end for a moment. "Hey uh its chuck." My heart dropped. "Can we talk Lanny, i miss you." I sat up in my bed "Look chuck i-" He cut me off. "Lanny you were one of the best things in my life, and i think i love you. Pleases give me a chance just to talk." I thought about it for a second "Ok chuck, meet me ice cream shop down the street from my house." "Ok bye." Then he hung up. I jumped in the shower quickly and threw on some clothes and rushed out the door.

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