Chapter 13: You'r hurting me

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One month later

It was time for what you had been dreading most, going back to Bristol. I was going to study something i love, which was great! I was going with my boyfriend who loved me, which was great. I also had to face jack, which sucked. We talked a few times this last month, but i couldn't tell Chuck he hated jack. Chuck made me feel like a queen and i loved that, but Jack made me happy. I could talk to him and he made me laugh, hell some would say i

"Hey L ready to go?" I turned to see Chuck standing in my door way. "Um yea here." I said tossing him my last bag. We walked out of my room and down stairs to see my mother and father. "Stay safe!" mother said opening her arms for a hug. I hugged her and went in to hug my dad "Tell Jack i said hi." I wiggled away from my dad and shook my head. Did he know i started talking to jack? My dad gave me a smile like he knew what i was thinking. "UM! Come on Chuck lets go were gonna be late!" I grabbed his hand and walked us to the taxi waiting outside.

We were in the taxi when I got a text.

from: Jack</3

"You on your way to the airport?"

I felt butterflies in my stomach.

To: Jack</3

"Yes text you when we land!"

I looked up at Chuck who was staring at my phone. "Have you been talking to him?" his eyes were dark and voice was oddly deep. "A little but I-" then Chuck grabbed me arm and pulled closer to him. "CHUCK STOP YOU'R HURTING ME" I shouted and hit him with my free arm. This only made him angrier and he squeezed my arm harder. it hurt so bad i started crying. "OK! I'M SORRY I WAS TALKING TO JACK ILL STOP! PROMISE!" He grip slowly loosened and he wiped the tears from my face. "I'm sorry, I just don't want to lose you."I felt bad because he thought he was gonna lose me, because I didn't love him. "Its ok Chuck I'm fine."

We got to the airport and went through security and all that jazz. We got there just in time to get on the plane. i was listening to music and we were about three hours in when I felt Chucks hand on my leg. I ignored it, till it slowly started sliding up my leg. It got to close for comfort so I pushed it away. about an hour later I felt it again, slowly sliding up my leg. I grabbed his hand and took out my headphones "Chuck I'm not in the mood." he rolled his eyes "Your never in the mood!" I let go of his hand and went back to listening to music. 

I closed my eyes just trying to relax but i guess i fell asleep because when i opened my eyes everybody was sleep. I took my headphones out and looked at Chuck who was looking out the window, I was still a little upset with him. I got up and went to the bathroom and washed my face so i could go to sleep as well. When i got out Chuck was now sleep with a blanket over him, he looked so cute. I sat back down and got under the blanket with him and rested my head on his shoulder. I felt his body relax which made me feel a little better. He rolled his head over and kissed my forehead "I'm sorry" He whispered so not to wake the others. I just smiled and we drifted off to sleep


"We will be landing in a little so please prepare and enjoy your stay in Bristol."

I opened my eyes to see the sun light coming in from the window. I looked at Chuck who was starting to drool. "Babe wake up." I said slightly nudging him. He opened his eyes and looked at me, a smile grew on his face. "Am i still dreaming?" I giggled and rolled my eyes. We got ready for landing and loaded off the plane. "Um who's picking us up to go to the apartment?" I thought about for a minute, Finn. I called to see if he was in town which he was, and asked him to pick us up. About twenty-five minutes later Finn pulled up to get us. I was walking towards the car when i felt something squeeze my forearm. "I thought i said don't talk to JACK?" It hurt so bad i was crying again. "I KNOW ITS NOT JACK! STOP YOU'R HURTING ME!" Then i heard a bang and he let go of my arm. "WHAT THE FUCK LET GO OF HER!" It was Finn trying to help me. Chuck walked over and tried to swing at Finn but i stood between them. "STOP BOTH OF YOU!" They were both breathing heavy and holding back words. I looked around to see everybody in the airport looking at us. "Chuck go get in the car." He walked away jumping at Finn but i held Finn back.

"Your just going to let him get away with that?" I rolled my eyes. "Look Finn, Chuck loves me he just thought you were jack that's all." Finn rolled his eyes and ran his hand through his hair. "He loves you?" I nodded in response. "If he loved you he wouldn't hurt you." I rubbed my face to find it was wet by tears. "Finn I'm fine just drive us to the flat. Ok?" Finn heisted but agreed. We walked the bags to the car and loaded them in. I sat in the front with Finn and Chuck sat in the back.

We pulled up front and i asked Chuck to unload our things. As soon as he got out Finn turned to me "He is bad news Lanny." I shook my head "You don't know him like i do! Pulse you do know you jumped at him first." He threw his hands up "He was hurting you!" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "It was my flat i should have told him you weren't Jack." Finn started shaking his head in frustration "ITS NOT YOUR FAULT HES THE O-" I cut him off by getting out of the car and storming into the flat.

I got in to see Chuck looking down at Finns car. "I don't like him." I walked over and wrapped my arms around his waist resting my head on his back. "He's fine he just doesn't understand how much you love me." He shoved my hands away "NO! I don't like him you cant talk to him!" I put my hands on my hips "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO TELL ME WHO TO HANG OUT WITH?" He walked over breathing heavily, but i didn't back down. "LOOK YOU HAVE BEEN DISRESPECTING ME SINCE WE GOT ON THAT PLANE AND I WONT HAVE IT!" I pushed him away from me. "WHO TH-" Then i hit the ground and felt a burning sensation on my cheek. "NO! Lanny I'm sorry!" It hurt so bad. i was trying to hold back tears but they ran like a river down my face. Then i felt Chuck pull up and into his chest. "Lanny I'm so sorry i didn't mean it, i love you." I pushed him away and wiped my face. I looked down at my hands to see blood. "Lanny i-" I cut him off by running to the bathroom and shuting the door. I sat on the floor and cried till i passed out.

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