If you have a child/children

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He adores children! But being a step father is a big responsibility.

He was anxious when he learned the fact of your child(ren) but the second he met them there came over him this sense of care, responsibility, and readiness. Suddenly those nerves of if he can do it changed to 'I can!' and he began treating the kid(s) as if they are his own.

If you can't find your children then you know you just have to go to Clark and will see them dangling on his arm as he lifts them with ease or sitting on his shoulders.

If they are having bullies he will go have a chat with the bullies. And maybe dangle them off a rooftop, but that's a big maybe.


He has so many "children"; all the Robins, Batgirls, and whichever kid that decides to stick to him. So if you have one or more, at this point they are all welcome to join the growing family. They'll never be lonely, always be taken care of, consulted, and if the kid(s) ask with cute enough eyes for some pocket money, well hell, they are getting enough for a race car.

He is a strict caregiver, but also a loose one. It is mainly Alfred who is there to ensure responsibilites are met. Bruce wants them to be raised well but also be a kid as he never got to be that.

He also calls himself a caregiver instead of stepfather but when you see them interacting you have no clue how he does not see how much he loves the kid(s) and how anyone would mistake him as their father.

Wonder Woman:

Second she met them she adored them, and found them the cutest things ever as they are a mini version of you. She squeezes their cheeks so much. Talks to them like one does to their cat, not because she's degrading them but because she adores them so much.

"I fear I have cute aggression to your child(ren)," is what she claimed one day as she watched the child(ren) playing.

She is proud to fill the role of stepmother and be called so, though hopes one day it'll be 'mom' but she won't force it. Okay, maybe a little pushing it but that's it. And anyone who dares mess with the kid(s) will be thrown through a wall. Zero hesitation on that.


He loves kids! And kids love him! But for some reason them being your kid(s) makes him nervous and move uncertainly. He can also never scold or correct their behaviour as he doesn't want to interfere in how you raise them.

He always brings gifts to them, which you had to tell him to ease up on as this is spoiling them and they are associating him with gifts not himself. So he had to switch it up to less gifts but still being the fun, goofy stepdad. And holy fuck stepdad is such a big word. He always freaks out hearing it, but the day your kid(s) called him 'Stepdad' that panic melted away and he realized the phrase 'a dad that stepped up' is one he feels so proud and happy to be part of.

He did first ask you if you are okay with them calling him that and him filling that role. Even years in he will still feel awkward scolding them, it truly doesn't feel as if he's allowed to, that he might be doing it wrong, and he just doesn't have the heart to scold them!


Anxiety through the roof! Normally she's confident, but this is a kid and she could ruin their whole life with a single wrong word or action. She can't handle that responsibility, despite her daily one being saving lives and fighting outerworldly beings. Your kid(s) are just too precious to take any chances with.

But after you comforted and encouraged her she gave it a shot.

And since then she has been attached to them, and determined to keep them safe, fed, entertained, but most importantly: happy and healthy.

She can be strict when needed but mostly she is seen as the cool and fun stepmom. If you can't watch them she'll gladly do so, not feeling at all as if it's a chore. If they want she'll also carry them around while flying.

Green Lantern:

Quite awkward. He tried to be open and positive, more so because they are a kid so he doesn't want them to be paranoid of him or be scared. But to fill a role of stepfather was a bit too much too sudden. Even if you tried to build it up slowly it will always feel sudden and odd. Doesn't mean he doesn't want to or pushed them aside, of course not! It is simply reality that this is not an easy task that won't feel odd.

But with days that oddness and awkwardness vanished, replaced with adoration. He feels as if he's always smiling more now, which was so that even his coworkers commented on it. Though that made the smile fall very fast to give them an unamused expression, honestly just to mess with them.

Now he's proud to call himself the stepfather of these children. The day they called him; "Dad" he reacted normally but second they were out the room you had to wipe his tears away with an adoring laugh as he cried from joy, pride, and a feeling that he got accepted.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30 ⏰

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