Chapter 32- Celestia

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Today was prom day, I was going as James's date, and he came a couple of times when I was getting ready with the girls at my house, we went to the hairstylist together, did our make-up together danced to some music in my bedroom.

Now all four of us along with Alex and Ash were in the car, with James driving us toward the school.

It took my parents quite an effort to convince them that I could go alone and then meet us at the school later on with James's parents.

Wearing our graduation gowns and standing in line waiting for our turns to take the diploma, I couldn't be Valedictorian since I was younger, and graduating early was some dumb rule at my school, Reggina was named Valedictorian which pissed me off but that's okay.

"And now one of our students Graduated early, her grades could not be better, took superior courses, her behavior was amazing, she proved that she deserved to graduate this year, Celestia Martinez." Claps filled the football field, while walking toward the stage I spotted my parents clapping along with the others.

My parents' relationship could not be worse, for some reason, they have been fighting nonstop these past few days, they don't agree about anything anymore and both of them are angry all the time. But tonight was not about them but about me I deserve to feel Happy-

You do not-


I went toward the Director and Took my very well-deserved diploma in hand took the official picture with the Headmaster and left.

I went back to my seat waiting for the end of the Ceremony, feeling proud.

You should have gotten better grades and proved yourself Valedictorian.

Once the Ceremony was done, we all rushed to search for each other and our families, we hugged and laughed together took some pictures, and talked until we were dismissed.

"Good Job Celestia, you did a good job" My father spoke smiling lightly.

"Thank you, Father." I smiled back and leaned into the hug my mother was pulling me into.

"Ok guys go have Fun tonight, We'll take your gowns." James's mother spoke pulling my mother with her while James's father stayed with my dad.

Back in the car all seven of us were singing, ready to party.

Once we arrived James held my hand as we went together on top of the large stairs we were going to walk down together.

"I love you," He said as we were waiting for our turn.

"I love you too." We went down the stairs gracefully, holding each other's hands, Ash and Sofia close behind us, Alex invited Christina to prom so he went down the stairs with her, and Jasmie invited the Starbucks guy, the barista she met when we were sitting together there one time.

Reggina was shooting me the devil's eyes for some reason, she didn't have a date she rejected everyone thinking that James would dump me for her.

Which is completely pathetic.

As I was directing myself towards the toilets Reggina stopped me halfway.

"What do you want-"

"I'll get her to fall for me guys, you'll see she is just as pathetic as all the others, I accept the bet, I'll make Celestia fall for me." The voice note ended leaving me speechless.

"What's that?" I asked trying to grab the phone from her grip but she was faster taking it away.

"It's James admitting that he never loved you, he will never love you. He accepted a bet-" The rest of her words became muffled, and tears formed in my eyes leaving me speechless.

I told you.




I turned around and directed myself toward the exit trying my best not to cry, thankfully no one was on my way out to question me.

I started walking down the street, barely blinking, tears running down my cheeks, my feet hurting from my heels, and my head pounding.

Once I arrived home it was 11 AM already, and my parent's bedroom door was closed muffled screams were heard, I directed myself toward the bedroom taking my heels off shutting down my phone, and dropping face first on the bed.

How could he do that to me? I trusted him and opened up to him, but I guess I was just too dumb, He used to make my life a living hell once how stupid could I have been to think that he changed?

This is when my tears rushed faster down my cheeks, I let the sadness take me down the hole with her.

The next day during the afternoon, one of the maids came to my room, since the door was locked she spoke through the closed door "Miss, Your friend Sofia is here."

No, I don't want to see anyone.

"Tell her that I am okay, she got to leave, I don't want to see anyone, Just tell her that I'll be texting her soon and that I am fine." I managed to say in between sobs.

Turning my phone back on I received hundreds of messages from Sofia, James, and Alex along with the other girls.

I went into Sofia's text box and wrote:

C: I am okay, please don't worry about me, family stuff.

S: Baby you disappeared yesterday no one could find you anymore, James went Nuts.

Maybe he should after all.

C: It's okay, I am okay, tell him that.

S: Okay, one more thing.

With the messages two links were attached, I pressed on the first and it was a video of me when I was struggling to eat in school, while the other was a video of me kissing James while he grabbed me from behind, during the party.


Who could have posted those?

S: It's Reggina, please answer me

I went and started scrolling through the comment section.

Cordan322_:What an ass.

old white man: mhm, I want her to kiss me too

Xsarlin8124:Attention seeker

perlxaskaileds: Slut

And it went on and on, with 1437 comments saying the same thing.

I turned my phone back off and lay on the bed hopelessly.

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