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ᴛᴀʀᴀᴊɪ ʜᴇɴꜱᴏɴ
ᴊᴜɴᴇ 9, 2020

we were all at fantasia's house having dinner. her mother was acting a little weird, but i let it go for the time being. her brother is a laidback guy, real cool.

"so, i take it you aren't just my daughters assistant, correct?"

"wrong. im just her assistant."

"so then why are you currently staying here? assistants dont spend nights at celebrity houses unless they're searching for one thing."

"ok, mommy, thats enough."

"and what exactly is that one thing you're referring to?"

"oh, dont be dense. you know exactly what im talking about."

"actually, i dont. elaborate, please."

"my daughters money is what youre after. everyone she gets involved with takes what's in her pockets and leaves her clueless and hurt."

"excuse me?"

"momma, can you relax?"

"no, im not gonna sit here and wait for fantasia to come crying to me about another person using her for what she has. ive seen it happen too many times."

"but ma everybody not like that." this boy is the only one with sense.

"i thought the same things and look how it turned out for tasia."

"well then ma'am you seem to be a little confused, so let me help you understand. im not using your daughter for anything and especially not money. im nothing like those money hungry people she's ran into and that you've met. behind it all is just a woman who wants to be held, reassured, loved, and cherished, and that's what im here to do. she will never ever be a walking freaking atm to me. stop confusing me with those sick people, and by the way, it was so not nice meeting you. have a good day."

laila was finished eating, so i just picked her up and went upstairs. i grabbed a bag and began putting our things in it.

"are we going again?"

"yes, baby, we are."

"but i wanna stay with tai tai." she whined.

"we cant."

"and why not?" tasia was there standing by the doorframe with her arms crossed.

"i will not remain in the same house as that....woman."

"okay, what about me?"

"what about me? i had to defend myself. why?"

"what do you mean?"

"when she was saying all that shit about me, why didnt you say anything? did you believe her at all?"

her silence told me everything i needed to know.

"good to know you think i'd ever use you for money. have a nice life, fantasia."

"taraji, wait..."

"for what? me to steal something?" i almost laughed at that, but i had to be serious in this moment.

"i didnt believe her, i just– ...."

"laila, come on, baby."

"where are you taking her?"

"dont worry about it."

"tai tai!" laila called out, reaching for her.

"taraji, dont do this."

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