ᴛʜɪʀᴛʏ ᴛᴡᴏ

438 33 19

ᴛᴀʀᴀᴊɪ ʜᴇɴꜱᴏɴ
ᴊᴜʟʏ 12, 2020

before we sat down, i said the prayer, and then we began to dig in. laila was acting all shy since they got here. she has barely said two words to me or tasia. im guessing she gotta get comfortable first– well, i know she does. she still thinks grace is mean.

"this is the meal we had back at the shelter on wednesdays, but this one tastes way better."

"right?! i can second that." i said, taking a bite of the meatloaf.

"im starting to think they just warmed up tv dinners and served it to us on a different plate."

"either way, i wouldn't have been able to tell the difference between a home cooked one and a tv dinner. i just knew we had been served something other than crackers and soup, and that excited me along with everyone else. is anything different now?"

"well, yes, instead of soup and crackers, we now have chicken and dumplings. on wednesdays, we get fried chicken and greens with a cup of jello as a dessert."

"sounds good. when did you guys get back in there?"

"few weeks ago. it was our only choice after graces dad kicked us to the curb. to tell you the truth, i only went to his house because i couldn't stay there after nanas passing."

"is it okay if i ask you a few questions?"

"sure, anything. im an open book."

"first, how old are you?"

"seventeen, ill be eighteen in october."

"what day?"

"the third."

"do you work? go to school?" 

"yes, i have online school because i have to be with grace at all times. i work from eleven am to five pm."

"who watches grace from the time you go to work and come back."

"i do. i take her to my job with me. my boss told me im gonna have to either get her in daycare or else im gonna have to leave. im working on getting up enough money for a babysitter until im able to pay for daycare."

"is it hard to save all while spending?"

"yes, and only because i have to buy diapers, wipes, milk, and clothes for her"

"what about yourself?"

"i buy me things every once in a while, but i also try to save enough, so i dont struggle to get grace what she needs when that time comes. right now, my main focus is to take good care of her, graduate, and find a stable place to stay."

"you have so many things you wanna accomplish. what is it that you need to start working towards your goals?"

"ive started already, but i do need a laptop so i don't have to go to the public library. i could complete my homework from the shelter– im already on my last leg with them."

"okay, a laptop. what else?"

"a babysitter from eleven to five."

"how about a daycare? or you don't trust them enough?"

"its not that i dont trust them. i just can't afford one."

"so, youre willing to let her go?"

"yes, absolutely."

"anything else?"

"um..." she trailed off tapping her chin, "well, no, that's all."

"do you have transportation to and from your job?"

"yeah, these legs." she chuckled nervously, "i catch free rides sometimes"

"can you drive?"

"yes maam i can."

"do you have your license?"

"no, not yet. i planned to"

"okay, so, you have your id. you have a job. you're going to school. you provide for your baby all by yourself, correct?"

"that's correct."

"alright, well, how about i help out with something."

"me too." tab added.

"im poor, but im here for moral support, always." i added.


"bab– excuse her. anyway, im gonna first get you a laptop. we could look at online daycares, and we could go and check them out. ill let you decide which one you'd like your daughter to attend. how does that sound?"

"amazing, thank you" she sobbed.

"...and, i know we just met, but i have a bedroom thats never been used. i would love for you and little grace to have it."

"you would do that for us?"

"of course. just a little something until you're ready to kick me to the curb and move into your own apartment. even after you'll still have our support."

she smiled, "thank you so much. both of you"

both tab and tasia went to hug her and give her comfort. a beautiful sight to see.

"hey, dont stop doing what you doing, okay? you never know when God is coming."


"don't look back." tasia added before dabbing her eyes once more.

"mommy..." laila tapped me.

"hey, what's the matter?"

"im sleepy"

"you're tired already?" i picked her up, and she placed her head on my shoulder.

"i wanna go home with ms.martha" my heart fell into my whole ass. everybody turned their heads in awe.

"laila, how you feeling?" tasia asked, rushing around the table.

"great" it wasnt her usual great. she said this one with no excitement.

"laila, grandma martha is in heaven." niki said.

"i know. i saw her with the angels and birds"

i had no words i was too in shock to even speak. i gave her medicine right before we started eating, so i knew that nothing was hurting. she says little things about dying all the time, and that leaves me in my thoughts for hours and days. i just wish i knew why she felt that way.

"yall finish up here. im gonna give her a bath and put her down. niki, i love you, and good luck with everything. so proud of you" i stood and began to make my way out of the dining area.

"thank you, and i love you too. goodnight, laila. "

"goodnight" laila spoke softly.

umm... how far should the time skip be?

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