Kay pov

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Once we sat down in the living room and I was handing the boys there gifts and my parents and handed Robby his and his was customized. Once we were done with the gifts and we ate dinner and left back to the house and I really wanted Robby to propose and I seen Cody was in Tyler hands and Tyler place him in the crib and I seen Robby and he said I love you Kay and I said I love you too Robby and we kissed and we started watching movies and I sat down and I went on instagram and I smiled and I seen a dm and I look it was Sierra saying congratulations and that she missed me. I saw Robby post pictures he took when we were at my parents and he said this women I love everyday and I'm glad to have her in my life. Once I smiled and I posted some pictures of Robby on my page and I tagged him and I said everyday I fall more in love with you. I fell asleep and Robby cuddled me.

2 months later
We were pack and ready to go and we had the pack and play and once we were on the tour bus and we were already in Wisconsin and the boys were performing at a festival and the boys were on stage and I had Cody and I seen Thomas sierra Sonny Justin in the front row and I was next to Tyler and Tyler grab Cody and I seen Cory walk to me and grab my hand and dragged me on the stage and I notice Robby was gone and then Anthony was singing Cold and I seen Thomas and I made eye contact and I seen Evan right in front of me and I felt someone tap me and I turn and I saw Robby on his knee and he said will you make me the happiness man and will you marry me Kay and I cried and I said yes and Robby place the ring on my hand and Evan took photos and then Robby kissed me and I seen Thomas face and I was singing the song at Robby and Robby smiled and he walk me off the stage. I grab Cody and I seen Robby walk back on stage and once they were done Robby ran towards me and I was walking to the tour bus and I seen Sierra Justin Sonny Thomas all walking towards us and i heard Kay and I look and Tyler grab Cody and I said get him to the bus and Tyler left immediately. I heard I bet your mad because she said yes to me first and I look at Robby and he said it doesn't matter to me because she is happy and has my child and  I ran towards the bathroom and I puke and I realize and I seen Anthony waiting and I said Anthony my bag please and I grab the  bag and I grab the test and I took the test and it came out positive and i was shitting myself. Once I walk out and I seen Thomas get in Robby face and I said Robby and he look at me and I was scared and I ran to him and I got in between him and Thomas and I look at Robby and I said we need to go now. Robby walk away and I walk with him and I grab his hand and I seen Anthony face and I look away. Once we got on the tour bus and I went to Robby I said I need to go to Walmart and we went to Walmart and I walk into Walmart and I seen Sierra and Justin walking together and I was walking towards the baby section and I grab diapers and Sierra saw me and nudge Justin and Justin had his phone and I was alone and I went by the baby clothes and I grab a onesie and I walk away and I saw Tyler and I ran to him and I had a sharpie and he said hey Kay you ready and I said yes and we we're walking and I seen Robby walking with Anthony and I went to pay for my stuff  and I seen Thomas and he was staring at me and I was walking with Tyler and Robby had Cody and once we got to the tour bus I sat down. Robby  walk in the bus and place Cody in the pack and play and I walk to the bedroom and I fell asleep. I woke up at 8 am and Robby and Cody was asleep. I went to the bathroom and I immediately got sick, I came out and Tyler ask if I was okay and I said I'm okay and then I went and sat on the couch. A few hours Robby walk out and had Cody and handed him to me and I said sorry and fed Cody and I said Robby I need to schedule an appointment with a doctor I don't feel good and he said schedule and appointment for today we are in Oklahoma and I called and the doctor office has an appointment  for noon and it was 11 am and I left to the appointment from the venue and I was at the office and the nurse took me back to the room. They did a pee test and the nurse said Kay you're pregnant and I said what and she said your only 6 weeks pregnant and I was like are you sure. She did an ultrasound and it showed that I was indeed pregnant again and I said so the pukin is morning sickness and the nurse said yes and I said when am I due and she said nov 13 and I smiled and said thank you. I walk back to the venue and I walk in on the tour bus and I grab the onsies and I wrote baby divine number 2  due nov 13. I walk to the backstage and I saw Robby and them practicing. Tyler had Cody and he came up to me and handed me Cody and said how the appointment go and I said it went okay. Once I heard it's showtime. The boys were on the stage performing and I handed Cody to Tyler and I grab the onesie and Robby was busy and I held the onesie and Anthony saw it and ran and grab it and walk up and showed Robby and then showed the crowd and the crowd went crazy and Robby ran off the stage and attack me with a hug and I seen Evan was recording and I smiled and kissed Robby. Robby went back to performing and I had Cody in my arms and I seen Robby smile.

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