Rest in peace, Iwata

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Mr. Satoru Iwata, where to begin...

2 days ago, our beloved CEO and president of Nintendo, passed away from a bile duct growth at the age of 55.

As I am sure a lot of you would've heard by now.

I only REALLY got into gaming about 1 year and a half ago, but today I consider myself as a full gamer dedicated to Nintendo. Everything Iwata did, helped me become the person I am today. And I am proud of who I am.

"Above all, gaming is meant to be one thing. Fun. Fun for everyone." - Satoru Iwata

All the Nintendo directs I would watch, I would get so excited to see his face come on the screen, watching him do his "directly" hand movement. I really think those things are what made the Directs what they are. But unfortunately, they can't ever be the same again.

What upsets me the most is that he actually should not have died. It was said that the bile duct growth was found early and was treated in surgery. He showed no signs of symptoms or anything. Then all of a sudden, he leaves.

I found out during my photography class at school, and I was HORRIFIED. I didn't cry at school, but at home I'm pretty sure I drowned myself in tears. My mascara was running down my face, I was such a mess.

Satoru Iwata will forever more have a place in my heart, as I am sure he will have a place in yours. Satoru, you have done so much to bring such happiness into the world. So thank you, Iwata.

Unsure of how many of you know this, but there is a petition online about making an amiibo of Satoru Iwata in loving memory. There are currently more than 11,000 signatures, one of them being mine. I think it's a great idea.

Anyway, I needed to get that out. Parents will never understand. Till the next chapter update, Sheikah out.

RIP Satoru Iwata
December 6, 1959 - July 11, 2015

"And please, don't be sad, everything will be fine." - Satoru Iwata

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