Chapter 14 - Just like me

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That whole "wolf thing" has now happened 36 hours. Everyone was still rather shocked, even on the next morning of the small event.

Ike and Marth contacted some people, although I am unsure of how they would do that in the first place...

Link told us that he saw Ganondorf behind the kitchen wall, and it looked as though he was listening in on Fox and the others who were there at the time. We're all convinced that there's going to be a war soon.

There was no time to waste, so we acted as fast as we could. By doing so, we were asking the other people who have come to the smash dimension to help us.

I've heard Fox talking about Angel, and then Marth talking about his sister and girlfriend, and they all sound so cool. They told me stories about their adventures, and all of a sudden I felt kind of lame. Hopefully I won't make myself look derpy in front of them.

Now I felt nervous. What if I look like a total loser? I hear a couple of them have powers of everything. Everything. All I do is control some plants you can find in a garden and turn into a dog. Brilliant.

They came a lot sooner than I had expected, you could see them in the distance as they ran up a hill as they came into view. They ran so fast, they made quite an entrance. We all went outside to greet them. The Smashers were all giving them hugs and stuff, reuniting with family and friends, and I just kind of stood back feeling awkward again.

I turned to my right and saw that Robin was kind of hanging back too. But he decided to man up and greet the others too.


I heard my name was called and saw that Samus was beckoning me to where she stood with one of the "Earthlanders". That's what the Smashers called them. I shyly walked over, and they all looked at me, some of them were surprised. Robin stood next to me and began introductions.

"Everyone, this is my sister Iquissa." Introductions continued as I stood in a daze.

"Hi there! My name is Queen Angel McCloud Madain Aran. But you can just call me Angel,"she smiled warmly as she shook my hand.

Wait... Aran? I had to ask.

"So... does that make you related to Samus then?

"Yes, I am her daughter! And Fox is my loving husband!" she replied as she greeted her husband with a big hug.

Wow, that's kind of cool.

"I'm Chrysalis," Chrysalis smiled warmly and left it at that. I didn't mind though, because I knew that she was just like me.

"Jocelyn's the name! It's great to meet you, Iquissa!" she shook my hand too.

"It's nice to meet you too!"

"I'm Katherine. But you can call me Kayla if you want," Marth's sister spoke.

"I'm Cody!"

By this point, I've noticed that everyone seems older than me. I don't socialise with people who are older than me, it makes me feel weird.

"I'm Cerise!" I gladly shook her hand. She looks pretty cool, they all do!

"I'm Ayame, and this is my brother Zach." Zach smiled cheesily and waved to me. I waved back, and chuckled.

"Wow, that's cool to have your brother with you!" I had to exclaim.

"Yeah I know, it's pretty cool."

Introductions finally finished up, and I was all social-ed out. I still really want to hang with these people, because I haven't spoken to a "real" person in ages now.

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