Chapter 3 - Stranger danger

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I opened my eyes and to my surprise, were a lot easier to open this time round. I felt well rejuvenated and well-cared for. 

Well that certainly is a first for someone such as myself.

It was a shame though because once I looked out the window right next to where I lay I saw no sun, only the moon. Talk about ruining the moment. I sat up in my bed, and looked around. As previously confirmed I still appear to be in this strange place of strange people.

I guessed the room must be an infirmary of some sort. Whilst I was looking around, I saw something on the side of my bed. I looked down, and saw that rather it being something, it was someone sleeping. It was only I and this person in the whole room.

Was he watching over me?

I lied back down, so I could get a better view of the face. Once I saw the face, I breathed in way too quick. One of my favourite male smashers ever, watching over me... 


I immediately shoved my face into the pillow so that I wouldn't scream like a crazed fangirl, which I know I am, mind you. Feeling a little more calmer with myself moments later, I slowly lifted my head and looked at his face again. 

His beautiful face, that somehow looks so familiar to me.

He began stirring in his sleep, and tossing a bit. I shut my eyes and sort of tried to look a bit dead. Just in case he saw me all wide awake and hyperactive, which could lead him to believe this whole thing is an act.

I heard his cloak moving against the bed, and some mumbles. I couldn't tell if he was still asleep or not, but I kept my eyes shut just in case. Unexpectedly I felt a hand on my forehead. Luckily I didn't really jump at the unexpected feeling. But oh my goodness, I was fangirling very intensely inside.

I decided now would be best to show that I was awake by of course, opening my good eye anyway. I slowly began to sit up, being cautious of the unknown state of my injuries I sustained unnecessarily. Robin appeared surprised enough, and even gasped a little.

"Hey there," He sort of whisper-yelled. I did the whole innocent thing again, and just aimlessly stared around the room, and at Robin of course. "Are you feeling any better?" A simple nod was all I gave him. He gave me a warm smile, and I smiled back.

"Could you tell me what your name is?"

I was kind of hoping to keep the "No talking" thing going on for a little while longer. I hesitated a little, but tried to sound confident in my speaking.

"...Ingrid," I sort of put bluntly. 

Robin's face lit up so much, his smile was even bigger than before. He must be happy to hear me speak. He started to make conversation with me, to keep me speaking probably. I still tried to keep the fangirl side of me deep down in my gut, so it wouldn't spontaneously explode out of my face.

"Ingrid... That's a beautiful name."

"Th-thanks." Totally blushing right now.

"I'm Robin. It's lovely to finally meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too, Robin."

"So, how are you feeling? Any better than before?"

"I think so. I mean, my headache is gone now."

"Well that's certainly good news! And what about your eye?"

"It still sort of throbs, but I think it's okay for now."

"Alright then, I'll just take this off then."

At first I was confused by what he meant, but then I understood when he reached his hands to my head and began to take off the bandage. He examined my right eye and even I could tell that it still didn't look too good. I could tell from his cringing expression.

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