Chapter 1: Headfirst Slide into Cooperstown on a Bad Bet

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***A/N: Hey guys! Sorry about this first chapter being a bit slow and short but I really wanted to introduce the story and get them into the right spots. I'm going to posting this story on Tuesdays and Fridays with chapter hints on Thursday nights! I'll try to stick to it. Tell me what you all think!***

Chapter 1: Headfirst Slide into Cooperstown on a Bad Bet

The last time you came through

Oh, darling I know what you're going through

15 years passed since Lexie had last been to Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital. She had quite a few secrets hidden under her belt and skeletons buried deep in her closet. She didn't really want to leave all those years ago but she felt she had to. Something told her to get away and start her own life away from everyone and everything. Following her gut, she got away and tried to forget everything and start anew in Boston. As if instantly, her whole life was different. It worked for a while, until months later, when she had a baby. It wasn't just a baby, that baby was Mark Sloan's baby.

Lexie always wanted to go back to Seattle; she missed everyone there. Her life was there and then one day she just up and left it. Lexie still talked to Meredith and Derek, they had three kids now, Zola, she was 15 now, they adopted her after Lexie left. A few years later came Bailey, he was about to turn 12, and then came Ellis, she would be eight soon. They skyped often, Zola and Lexie's daughter, Brooklyn, were close but they had never met in person. Brooklyn bugged Lexie to go to Seattle on vacation every summer but Lexie couldn't bare to face Mark with their daughter he had yet to be told about. This, of course, isn't what she told Brooklyn, whenever she asked about him, Lexie told her it didn't work out between her and her dad. It was true but wasn't the whole truth. Brooklyn wanted the whole truth but didn't push. She hoped that one day Lexie would tell her.

It was early in the morning, Lexie had gotten up and made breakfast while Brooklyn got ready for school. She did this any morning she had a late start at the hospital or she was off work. She would make breakfast and then drop Brooklyn off at school before going about the rest of her day.

Brooklyn came into the kitchen a little more perky than usual because it was the last day of school before summer break but still on the quieter side. She was a teenager, which, almost by default meant she was not a morning person but Lexie insisted on starting a conversation anyway, "Hey! Last day of school, are you excited?" Lexie asked.

"Excited to be released from Hell for two and a half months? Is that even a question?" She asked with a playful scoff that reminded Lexie a lot of Mark. As Brooklyn grew up, Lexie noticed that she developed Mark's sarcasm and grins that always got her what she wanted. Over the years, it had only been her and Lexie in the house. There were a few guys Lexie had shown some interest in enough to bring home to meet her daughter but somehow they all didn't work out. None of them were right. Because of that, Lexie had become more of a best friend than a parent in Brooklyn's eyes.

"What do you want to do this summer? Where do you want to go?"

"You know the answer to that question too."

"Do I?"

"Seattle. Can we please go to Seattle? I've wanted to go for years but we've never gone." Brooklyn pleaded just like she did at the start of every summer for as long as she could remember. Even when she was little, she didn't want to go to Disney World, she wanted to go to Seattle. "Why can't we go?" She persisted.

"That's what I wanted to tell you. I got a call yesterday from your Uncle Derek. He has a case he wants my help with. We're leaving tonight."

"Wait, what?" The teenagers crystal blue eyes, the same as Mark's, widened as the realization hit her. "Are you serious!?"

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