Chapter 10: That Green Gentleman (Things Have Changed)

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Chapter 10: That Green Gentleman (Things Have Changed)

Things are shaping up to be pretty odd

Little deaths in musical beds

Now it seems I'm someone I've never met

***A/N: This chapter is a bit of a whirlwind. There's a pretty unexpected surprise. I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think at the end!***

Brooklyn looked at her alarm clock on her bedside table and groaned as she hit the button to turn it off. First day of school. Wonderful. She thought. She climbed out of bed when the first round of dizziness and hit her. Leaving the warmth of her blankets and pillows behind, Brooklyn began getting ready. It was important to her that she looked decent on a day like today, especially in a new school. It was time to make an impression. Her makeup was simple and natural and she just extenuated the little bit of natural curl she had in her hair with a curling iron. Her outfit was one of her favorites. She had a long sleeved black and white striped shirt that was tucked into her high waisted galaxy print skirt with knee length leggings underneath. She threw on her white converse and a galaxy print scarf before she headed down to eat breakfast. She scarfed her breakfast down quickly before the two headed for the car.

Brooklyn looked up at the large building and gulped before walking in. She knew that Zola and Sofia were going to be waiting for her somewhere but until she found them, she was alone in a new building. She looked quickly around building and then to her schedule and then to the building. She was so caught up in everything, she didn't see the girl about to run into her. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I was in the way."

"It's no problem, really. No harm done." The girl smiled. Brooklyn noticed her eyes first, a deep brown. They seemed to go on forever. They seemed to glisten as she smiled. She was the first friendly face Brooklyn had seen in the school. Everyone else seemed to already have their friends and not be very helpful if it wasn't anyone but their friends. "You look lost. Do you need some help?"

Brooklyn nodded, "Yeah, I'm trying to find the cafeteria. Sorry, I'm new. I just moved here a couple of weeks ago from Boston."

"Boston? That's a far move. You liking it here? I'm Juliette, by the way. But call me Jules."

"Brooklyn." She smiled. "Yeah, it's been great. I've always dreamed of living in this city. Something about it always intrigued me. We came here for a vacation type thing at the beginning of the summer. My uncle needed help on a case so my mom came out here to help him. They're surgeons."

"That's cool. I'm glad you're liking it here. I'm pretty new too. I moved here from Indiana about a year ago. So, I'm not like brand new but I'm honestly still getting used to how breathtaking this city is."

"Right? It's so beautiful all the time. I love it."

Jules smiled at her enthusiasm. "What year are you?"

"Sophomore. You?"

"Me too. Maybe we'll have some classes together. When we get in here we should share schedules. It's not too much further. Just down this hallway."

"Sounds good." Brooklyn smiled. As they reached the cafeteria Brooklyn scanned the room for the girls. Finding them she went and sat down at a table inviting Jules to come sit with them. They had about twenty minutes before class started so they could just sit and talk. Comparing schedules, Brooklyn had almost all of her classes with Jules and Sofia. There were a few with Zola but not as many as they would have liked. Luckily, Brooklyn was going to know at least one person in all of her classes.

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